Saturday, February 28, 2015

Broken Promises

Ask anyone and they will say one of the worst things anyone can do is to break a promise - not do as intended - commitment not honored. There are many reasons why this happens - sudden change in plans - unexpected illness - something critical came up - character flaw. For those who habitually break their promises - do not keep their word - fail to honor a commitment - a serious character flaw. The average person rarely breaks a promise - then only for a very good reason - a few others - cannot trust them any further than you can throw them. During Lent - biggest promise broken - failing to make an effort to make a commitment for spiritual growth and failing to honor that commitment. The good news - there is still plenty of time left to work on your relationship with God. What is important is the intent and the effort. God does not care how lofty a goal you set - nor does He care how many days you commit to. To put it very simply - just do it - do it well.

Jesus told us that He didn't promise us a rose garden - He never said following Him would be easy. He did promise a great reward - not here - in Heaven - not immediately - at the end of time. If you hesitate to make a Lenten commitment - don't - your promise to yourself - assures His promise to you. Before any more days of Lent pass - do it now - Jesus is waiting - for you.

Deacon Dale