Sunday, March 13, 2016

Rocks In Our Pockets

In today's Gospel we heard of the woman caught in adultery - who was in the process of being stoned to death - until Jesus intervened.- told the crowd that whomever was without sin - should throw the first stone. Everyone dropped their stones - walked away - none without sin. In today's homily Father talked about all of us - who have rocks in our pockets - willing to judge - condemn others - even when we are guilty of perhaps the same sin. Gossip kills a lot more people - than stones - destroys reputations - creates distrust - animosity - often in error - often due to jealousy. In Psalm 8 - we are told - all have fallen short of the glory of God - you - me - all of us.

God understands us a lot more than we realize - knows our minds - hearts - sees what we do in darkness - hidden from view of others. Each and everyone of us is entitled - owed - respect - justice - for all our actions. If we have sinned - a just punishment is expected - anticipated. Jesus goes one step beyond justice - a gift - His Divine Mercy. As we search our souls this Lent - as we ask forgiveness for what we have done wrong - we know that we must do penance - pay the price - in a just punishment - trusting that Jesus - God - in HIs Divine Mercy will go beyond the anticipated - grant us the gift of His Mercy - complete forgiveness - healing - for a fresh start in life - life in His Holy Spirit. 

Deacon Dale