Saturday, October 5, 2013

Take It Back

All of us have made comments - said things - that we later regretted - wished we had not said - realized that with new information - our initial comment was not accurate.  Sometimes the comment was hurtful - spoken in anger - others spoken without full knowledge of the subject - later realizing - spoken prematurely. When preparing to walk The Way of Saint James - both my wife and I said we could not understand how so many people who had walked The Camino - seemed obsessed and returned - time after time - to walk it - again and again. We stated - once is enough - when completed our thoughts will focus on other things. On our last day - walking the final 20 kilometers into Santiago - we repeated those very sentiments - nearing the target of the Camino.  We finished our Camino much earlier than anticipated - two weeks early to be exact - two weeks of downtime - two weeks of nothing to do - so we returned home early. Happy to be home - happy to see our family and dog again - happy to be sleeping in our own bed. Two days later - looking at each other - with dismay on our faces - together we spoke those words we promised we would never say - "I miss the Camino".  For five weeks walking the Camino - for eleven months preparing for that walk - we had promised we would never say those words - yet - we did. Take it back - take it back - and we did.

When many people first come to accept Jesus into their lives - they are filled with excitement - hope - joy - pleasure. When they realize that being a Christian takes commitment - offers challenges to worldly things - is difficult at times - they want to say - take it back.  Making a commitment to be a disciple of Christ is a serious decision - that everyone has to contemplate - make - honor.  When faced with frustration trying to honor the Christian lifestyle - they want to give up - reject their new found faith. In those moments Jesus comes to each of us - to remind - to encourage - to strengthen - He offers His love and constant help. For those who have become weak in their faith He says - I am here for you - please - take it back.

Deacon Dale