Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Brrrrrrring In The New Year

It is no surprise that this new year of 2024 has begun with some very cold extreme weather - if we admit it - very often any new project - any new effort - often begins with challenges - anticipated or not.  So this year - like many before it - has entered our lives with a few bumps in the road.  The important thing - it has begun.  Now that we have some three weeks into this new year - most of us have been able to formulate an idea of what we hope to accomplish in 2024.  New years resolutions - made - already forgotten - weight loss programs - started - waiting for future success - one plan after another - scheduled - rescheduled - already tossed to the side.  Now before  the first month of this year passes - time to get real - settle into a real plan.  Don't know where to start - why not focus on yourself - this time look inward - look towards your spirituality - what can you add to your spiritual life that will make a difference to you - to those around you.  The opportunities are numerous - new book - video series presenting old concepts in new ways - too many to mention.

The point - time to finally get started - commit to a new agenda.  We have all enjoyed the freedom of these past three weeks - starting - stopping - contemplating - going nowhere.  Now before this month slips away - make a commitment - if nothing else - commit to make a new start - follow through - make 2024 a year of growth.  God calls each of us - on a daily basis - come to Him - draw closer - embrace Him as He embraces you.  It is very possible - with Jesus at your side - you will be successful.

Deacon Dale