Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Lent #7 - The Desert Experience

When we hear that Jesus spent 40 days in the desert - most ask - why?  Presumably the desert is devoid of all life - no people - no plants - no animals - nothing living.  Being in the desert - living in the desert - like being in a vacuum - total silence - no distraction - ability to concentrate - focus on your thoughts - prepare for a future event.  The desert however not totally devoid as suspected - life actually abounds if one knows where to look.  For Jesus - the desert experience gave Him an opportunity to separate Himself from the distractions of life that all experience.  Each year my wife and I withdraw from our normal lives - withdraw to the Sonoran Desert in Arizona.  In that time we are able to eliminate many of the daily distractions of our lives - focus on the quiet - the beauty that exists in our desert.  In the Sonoran Desert - unbelievable beauty - life abounding in the various species of animals - colorful plants - unique rock formations.  In that quiet we have identified our special - Prayer Rock - a secluded place where we sit in prayer - facing the East - opening our minds - hearts to God. In that space - we draw close to Our Lord - Savior.
                                 Desert Beauty -   Flowers on a Saguaro Cactus in Sonoran Desert 
For those who seek - prayer space available - one only has to take time to locate their special space.  In that sacred space - be it in a desert - on the back deck - in a tropical space - a silent room at home - all may place themselves - in the presence of Jesus.  You pick the space - invite Jesus in - and the rest will  happen.  The quiet - peace - beauty - flows freely as you experience the solitude with Our Lord.  Seek and you will find - a gift on your Lenten retreat.

Deacon Dale 


Monday, February 27, 2023

Lent #6 - Hungry

This Sunday - the First Sunday of Lent - the Gospel recalls Jesus spending 40 days in the desert - fasting for the 40 days - at the end - being hungry.  Fasting - being hungry - hand in hand experience - everyone who fasts - denies themselves food - drink - no way to avoid - hunger.  Today 2000 years after His walk in the desert - Jesus still hungers - this time - not for food - rather - disciples - people who will not only accept him as their Lord - Savior - instead  an active follower who is not afraid to share their faith with others.  He seeks - not only ordained - consecrated followers - rather all those who have made a verbal - sacramental commitment to share in His ministry to all around  them.  

As we walk through our own desert - wherever we may be - need to understand that Jesus - God Almighty - the Holy Spirit - always with each of us. Unlike Jesus who felt abandoned - alone in the desert - we are never alone. As we continue our observance of Lent - through our prayers - meditations - charitable acts - we need to shed those things in our lives that slow us down - the sand - pebbles in our sandals - that impede our progress. With His presence in our lives - this journey - very possible.

Deacon Dale  

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Lent #5 - Lenten Retreat

Saturday morning the senior group at our parish sponsored a Lenten Retreat for all adults in the parish and friends.  It was well attended and the organizers received many complements.  The main focus of  the retreat - the Seven Last Words of Christ.  The reflections on each Word - prepared by the parish clergy - gave an in depth examination for all to meditate on.  In addition to that featured presentation participants celebrated Morning Holy Mass - prayed the Stations of  the Cross - the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and enjoyed a light breakfast.  Experiencing this event was an excellent way to begin the annual observance of Lent.  Retreats - Evenings of Reflection - Hours in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Bible Study - to name just a few - very good ways to draw closer to The Lord.

God created Mankind to Know - Love Him - Listen to His Word - to do as He asked - Live lives according to His plan.  All have sinned - fall short of the glory of God  (Rom 3:23)  Because we have been born with the tendency to ignore - turn away from God's plan - to think we know better than God - we place ourselves in the state of sin.  One may say it is only human nature - most of us - guilty of thinking we know better - without realizing we are sinning.  In this Lent - all of us - saint - sinner - need to withdraw from the busyness of life - to retreat - that we may place ourselves more deeply in the presence of God.

Deacon Dale 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Lent #4 - It takes Teamwork

A good rule to follow when engaging in any venture - have a travel partner.  Remembering back to my childhood - always remined - do not go swimming alone - for safety sake - security - take someone along - two minds always better than one - if you stumble - a friend to pick you up.  The same goes for our Lenten journey - although you may walk a different path spiritually - does not mean you shouldn't have a journey partner.  Although my wife and I are doing the Catechism in a Year together - that is only one small part of our individual journeys.  She has her own journey to walk - I have mine.  In my previous post I said - It's all about you - your personal experience - that does not mean you cannot walk with someone else who is also pursuing their own journey.

When God created the Heavens and the Earth - He also created Mankind.  A man and a woman - journey partners - not identical - rather similar - each person containing their own identity.  Each had their role to play in His plan for creation.  Alone neither could have achieved their common goal - together - walking a similar - different path - side by side - under His guidance - experiencing life - the challenges - as He intended.  This Lent give a gift to yourself of a journey partner - Jesus - and a plus-one.

Deacon Dale 

Friday, February 24, 2023

Lent #3 - Making it Personal

Failing to Plan - Planning to Fail - a phrase all of us have heard over the years.  For many -  their Lenten experience will be delayed as they concentrate too much on what they should - will be able to do - for Lent.  Rather than getting involved with too much planning - too many details - attempting to design the perfect exercise - better to just - get on with it.  As I mentioned previously - I add more into my Lent - an ongoing process  that evolves on a daily basis.  Whatever I do - in the end - will be just fine with God - as long as whatever I do is with a clean - committed - heart.  I do not have to explain - justify - my efforts to anyone - that is completely between me and God. This also applies to you - your business - your plans for Lent - between only you - God. Whatever - however - you experience Lent - your business - nobody else's.

Jesus came into the world - humbled Himself - for all mankind - for you alone.  If you were the only person who was in need of salvation - He would have still died on the Cross for you.  It is a hard concept to accept - a reality without a doubt.  Your plan for this Lent - honor your personal relationship with Jesus - meditate on that.

Deacon Dale 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Lent #2 - Lenten Study

I have not mentioned this before - Arlene and I have been doing the "Catechism in a Year" with Father Michael Schmitz.  It has been very interesting - Holy Scripture mixed in with the wisdom of the Church Fathers - theologians - Saints - all in one concise book.  Most of the teachings - very familiar - good to review.  A few thoughts - things to consider - reading for the first time.  Nothing objectionable - curious how anyone arrived at those thoughts. Some have done a previous yearly study with Father Mike - "Bible in a Year" - trying to decide which study better to do first.  Some currently doing both - my preference at this point - possibly better to study the Catechism first - just my thinking now - it could change.  Since this started January first - not a Lenten exercise - an interesting addition to the extra things I intend to do for Lent. 

God blesses us in all things - what we actually do - what we intend to do. Any - all efforts - pleasing to God.  Jesus - always at our side - sharing our Lenten journey with us - all the way to completion.  In this Lent - may you come closer to the One who gave His life - that we might experience the fullness of our own life.

Deacon Dale 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Lent #1 - Lent Returns - Again

 Once again - here we go again - Ash Wednesday - again. This year - 2023 - what will be different this year - how will you observe Lent this year - compared to last.  Will you give up something - what will you give up - to what end?  It has been years since I quit giving up things - instead adding more into my life - giving up free time - sharing that time with others.  Oh - every year I look at who I am - what I have become - done soul searching - identified my short comings.  I know I sin - is it really sin - have I really done anything that separated me from My LORD - My GOD - My SAVIOUR - not really.  Yes - I mess up - say the wrong things from time to time - never with a plan to hurt - harm - anyone - least myself.  I do not criticize those who chose to  - give up.  For them that is how they decide to observe this Season of Penance.  My choice - that works for me - do more.  More prayer - more time thinking - contemplating my relationship with Jesus - others around me.  I repent for the times I took the low road - the road devoid of challenges - the road that offered growth - the easy way.  For the times I elected to not become involved -  cruising my way through life.  Recognizing those moments - in Lent I attempt to face the challenges head on - putting more in my life - not less. Working on my personal relationship first - improving myself that in turn I may be better equipped to help others.  To that point - my goal over the next 40 days - daily thoughts - posting on  this blog - to share with all who may read.

God sent His Only Son - that we might have life - live it to the fullest.  In these Lenten Days I pray He send His Hoy Spirit upon you - me - to share all that I can - to help everyone who with me seeks the Blessings of God.

Deacon Dale                                      

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


When the Lord met Moses in the burning bush (Exodus 3:14) - Moses wanted to know what name to use when telling the people about the encounter.  The Lord replied - I AM.  He went on to add - I AM WHO AM.  In Hebrew the name is consonants only - YHWH - which makes the name unpronounceable.  This was done on purpose as the thought is - no one - is worthy of speaking God's name.  Lord - God - Creator - Elohim - are all substitutes which refer to the person of God - none are the actual name.  In some instances there are those who do this in writing - using Gd or G-d as acceptable substitutes.  All of this is a sign of reverence - showing tremendous respect for the One whose name cannot be spoken by anyone.  

I recently came across a blog post from 2019 in which that person claimed that the Vatican had been hiding documents that Pope Francis had released in 2017 revealing the name of God.  What that person was oblivious to was that nobody has ever hidden the name of God as spoken to Moses.  That name - which must not be spoken - out of reverence - known to Moses and the world since that time - never hidden from anyone.  That person declared some conspiracy at the Vatican - revealed their ignorance. Anyone with some sort of intelligence understands that out of reverence - God's name cannot be spoken by anyone.

As we spend our days contemplating our relationship to God - better to focus on the - Us.  Your relationship with God - my relationship with - He whose name cannot be spoken.  It is in developing our personal relationships that we come as close as possible to our creator.  Through prayer - worship - adoration - meditation - spiritual reading - we can know the person of God.  In that regard - His name - becomes inconsequential.   

Deacon Dale