While in the tower of the Basilica you can see everything all around you - the convent buildings, the green areas and the grave site for deceased sisters. On our visit, once we were at ground level, we noticed that the gate to the sister's grave site was open which allowed us the chance to walk around and read the names of sisters buried there. In the back corner was a large area that was dedicated to the burial site of Saint Faustina. When she was canonized her remains were moved to a reserved space inside the convent chapel. Although her remains are no longer outside, the grave site still gets special treatment to let pilgrims know that this was her original burial place.
Saint Faustina is not the only person who cannot be found in her grave. On the morning after, when the women went to the grave to see Jesus, they found the burial stone moved and Jesus nowhere to be found. Graves are the final resting place for ordinary people - for Saint Faustina - who was canonized - her remains were removed to a special place where she could be venerated. Jesus - the Son of God - the Holy One - needs no place for people to visit - since He is always with us in a very special way. He exists beyond time and space and therefore nothing can contain Him - except in the depths of our hearts.
Deacon Dale