We are a few days from Thanksgiving - a time when we should pause - stop - rest - take time to be thankful - for all the blessings we have experienced in the last year. Primarily I am first - foremost - thankful for a Loving God - the One who walks with me daily as I navigate my life. Secondly I am thankful for my wife - sons - grandchildren - in-laws - all my relatives - friends - they are the frosting on the cake of my life. We all know that frosting adds texture - flavor - to the basics - these people do exactly that. Without them - life would be rather dull.

Last weekend I had the privilege to preach at Holy Mass - celebrating the close of the current Liturgical Year - celebrating Jesus Christ - King of the Universe. It was a very good celebration - the parishioners were very responsive to my humble words - for that I am grateful. This coming weekend we mark the beginning of the new Liturgical Year with four complete weeks of Advent. Most years we do not get the full four weeks - this year we do - four weeks to contemplate our relationship with Jesus - with God. Unlike Lent when we tend to focus on how poorly we live our lives - in Advent we spend time on our goodness - how good we have managed to become - how much more we can do in our daily walk with Jesus. In reviewing our lives we in turn come to understand that we are all good people - each coping with issues that affect how we live our lives. Understanding that - we realize how well we are prepared to celebrate the birth of Our Lord at Christmas. Four weeks to review - reflect - to prepare for His Second Coming - His Coming into our lives - at some future point in time - at Christmas.
Happy Thanksgiving
Deacon Dale