Sunday, March 16, 2025

Lent Day - 12 - Second Sunday

 Today we celebrate the Second Sunday of Lent - our focus on the Transfiguration of Christ before His disciples. This event not only confused - but also scared - His disciples. Who was this man - who changed before their eyes - did amazing things - unseen by others. I can imagine that you and I would be just as confused - concerned - wondering just what was going on before our eyes - and why. I doubt any of us would just say - oh - a miracle from God - rather - slowly inch away - waiting to see what followed. 

God does not expect us to blindly accept everything that happens right in front of our eyes - there are those who would deceive - manipulate what was happening. That is a lot of what is happening right now in world politics - people - misleading - misinterpreting events - to draw us into their mindset - to make us believe - their truths. Today we heard in the Gospel - watch and listen - great advice for each of us. Using our days of Lent to read - listen - ponder - think - reflect - will bring us to the truth - which is Jesus.

Deacon Dale 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Lent Day - 11 - Barriers

Coping With Barriers

A few years back the HOA in Arizona sent out a request for residents to notify them if they had any issues with property cared for by the association. Like all the homes in Arizona - we have a cinder block wall that surrounds our home and the majority of it is cared for by the association. I notified them that I thought there was an issue with one section which seemed to be tipping inwards toward our property. Happy to report they were out in a matter of a few days to inspect the wall from our side - the community side had been inspected previously and appeared normal. After viewing from our side - decided to tear down a twenty foot section and rebuild at no cost to us. When they did the work they removed the wall - block by block - tearing it down to its foundation - then rebuilding - back up six feet. The entire work done easily in one day - straight in line with the remainder of the existing wall.

As we journey through Lent we are asked to examine our lives - to see where we have built walls - keeping others out - locking sins in - putting up barriers to our relationship with God. Time heals all things - so we are told - and in time - most things are healed. Unfortunately some will not live long enough for time to do its work. As we spend time in prayer - meditation - we need to look inward first - at our lives - our relationships - our walls - before we can start the process of restoration - tearing down - building up. Removing barriers in our lives should be simple - one of the most complicated tasks known to man. Attitudes - feelings - past history - often confuse the real issues. Through prayer - patience - perseverance - walls can be torn down - removed - opening us up to everything hidden on the other side. Need help - ask Jesus - He is awesome at removing - healing all barriers.

Deacon Dale

Friday, March 14, 2025

Lent Day - 10 - Abstinence & Fasting

Abstinence is the self-enforced restraint from indulging in bodily activities that are generally experienced as giving pleasure. Catholics across the world and other religious expressions practice avoiding specific foods during designated holy days and days of fasting. For Muslims - fasting during Ramadan - for Catholics - fasting and avoiding meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays of Lent. Many other religions also observe abstinence - fast days along their specific guidelines. It is not unique to one religion or another - exact restrictions and times do differ among them.

The entire idea of fasting is to empty oneself of earthly desires - creating room - time - in ones life for filling the inner spirit with thoughts of the Divine. As you hunger and thirst for earthly foods and drink - one is reminded that their inner spirit needs to be nourished as well. The emptiness felt in the stomach mirrors the emptiness of ones spirit. The goal through fasting is enlightenment - spiritual growth - touching the Divine. It may not always be easy - end the end - always rewarding. 

Deacon Dale 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Lent Day 9 - Lent Fog

When a person begins to become more deeply involved in Lent in their spiritual life - many things to experience.  New activities focused on a spiritual life - attending church - getting involved in parish groups - Bible study - prayer meetings - volunteering for various ministries. All are good - all take up time - for many - a sudden feeling of over involvement - feeling stressed.  When that happens time to hit the brakes - slow things down a bit.  

Too many people in Lent tend to focus on doing things at church - in groups - projects that take up more time than they honestly have to give.  The truth - being involved at church - with church projects - not necessarily the best way to create the personal relationship with Jesus many seek.  When one realizes they are slightly off track - time to withdraw - go to their personal prayer closet - spend time - focusing on what is really important - looking through the fog - setting  their sights on the Cross - that place where Jesus lives.  For all - Lent is the time to really focus our eyes on Him - The Lord - The One who gives us the eyes to pierce the fog in our lives - to experience Him - perhaps clearly for the first time.

Deacon Dale 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Lent Day 8 - Going Deep

If anyone wants to learn - really understand - anything - requires serious study - research.  In serious research students spend hours getting to the root - basis of their focus.  Too often in Lent when asked a person's Lenten intention - the answer very superficial.   Giving up chocolate - smoking - television - certain activities - interesting - very superficial.  Somebody needs to explain to me how giving up any of the things listed above ensures entrance to heaven.  Except for smoking - that will help extend your life span - how do any of those make you a better person - a better Christian?   These superficial things are easy to identify because these are things closely ingrained in our daily lives.  The real focus - if honest - needs a much deeper look into who we are - our deepest fears - hopes - desires - the things that we would do "if".   If we could do one thing - if we had the money - if we had the time - if we had zero limitations - restrictions - what if.

Prayer done with - no time restriction - no distractions - with the proper mindset - allows all of us to dive deeply into the ocean of our being. In the depth of who we are - in the darkness of our lives - we see who we really are. The promises - the successes - the lies - the failures - the unrealized hopes - the good - bad - ugly. It is at that depth in that darkness - silence - we meet with God. We confess - we apologize - we ask - we receive. This Lent dare to be different. Forget the superficial and dive deep into your soul - with Jesus at your side - holding you in His arms - surrounding you with His presence - His love. Then you will be able to experience that "if" that has always bothered you. Now that "if" is right there at your finger tips hands held together - in deep prayer.

Deacon Dale 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Lent Day 7 - How to Pray

 How to pray - possibly one of the hardest questions to answer. Many people will go to great lengths to tell you there is only one way to pray.  Read the Bible - pray - meditate on individual scriptures.  Pray  the Rosary - ten - fifteen times each day.  Go to an Adoration chapel at a local church - sit in adoration of the exposed Blessed Sacrament - only in total silence - or - only with meditative instrumental music. Go into a totally darkened room - pray in silence.  Only pray in a Church - never just in your home.  Sit on your back yard porch - immerse yourself in nature - pray while looking at the wonders God has created.  So many options - so many - "perfect" ideas.  That is only "where" to pray.  I haven't even mentioned which prayers to pray. That is another whole subject. 

Bottom line - prayer is conversation between God - His people - as community - as an individual. There are so many options available to all who wish to pray. Amount of time devoted to prayer - location - method - words to pray - rote - free form - learned - spoken from the heart. All are correct - none are wrong when spoken in faith. Prayers to God - to Jesus - to the Holy Spirit - to angels - saints - in honest open conversation - all are good. From the simplest to the most complex. Where - when to pray - your choice. What format - your choice. Which prays to use - your choice. All prayer is good - rewarding - when directed to Our Lord. Remember your prayers are your prayers - so do it now - your way. That is the only correct way to talk with God.

Deacon Dale 

Monday, March 10, 2025

Lent Day 6 - Lent Tools

 In Lent there are some tools that we should have on hand to help us on this journey.  A bible - some meditative music - candle - schedule - food - drink.  In our schedule - daily reminders - 10 or 15 minutes set aside each day - time for prayer - time for meditation.  Although we fast - not necessary to starve - important to maintain basic nutrition.  Sitting in a quiet space - dim light - eliminating outside distractions - a simple candle to help one focus - all useful tools.  For those who are new to Lenten practices - these tools may be beneficial.

Even those who are veterans of Lent - quite often may benefit from suggestions - new ideas - concepts on the methods of prayer - meditation.  As we enter our private time - important that we may proceed uninterrupted.  Even religious - priests - deacons - sisters - often experience moments when it is hard to pray - daily concerns - other distractions - often make seeking quiet prayer time very difficult.  Even when the time is found - often minds find it hard to stay focused on prayer - meditation.  For those times I suggest entering a private space - dimmed lighting - soft meditative instrumental music - a single candle to focus ones eyes on.  In time - a minute or two - focusing intently on the candle - looking past the white - yellow - blue - flames that make up that larger flame - looking into the darkness inside the very small blue flame - in that darkness one will find themselves alone in Divine space.  Divine space where we can be alone with God - in that space - peace - quiet - the Holy Spirit draws us closer to God where the two of us can communicate.

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Lent Day 5 - First Sunday

 Today we observe the First Sunday of Lent - The Scriptures read at Holy Mass today - very interesting.  Most will focus on the Gospel  - Jesus going into the desert for 40  days after being baptized by John in the Jordan - the basis for spending 40 days in Lent - walking in the personal desert of our lives. Many will completely overlook the First reading - the commentary that says - "My father was a wandering Aramean who went down to Egypt with a small household and lived there as an alien" - a homiletic side bar - perhaps encouraging us to consider the current concern about immigrants. The Second reading likewise leans towards this also - "For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all, enriching all who call upon him.

As we spend these 40 days in Lent - wandering in the desert of our minds - hearts - we need to not just consider ourselves - also others - who live near us - who walk similar paths - cope with similar issues.  As we head into our prayer closest to meditate this Lent - we need to speak to God in our prayers - give voice to what we should be doing - for ourselves - our community - that we may grow in all the ways God is calling us.

Deacon Dale 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Lent Day 4 - The Plan

 As we begin our Lenten experience many will create a plan for how they will experience Lent - when to Fast - Prayer time - Almsgiving - how much - how long.  Some will actually write their plans down - follow them very scrupulously - others - will approach these in a more casual way - observing them - with less stress. 

Which ever way you observe these 40 days of Lent - perfectly fine.  The basic suggestions of prayer - fasting - almsgiving are the basis for your personal method.  There is no specific time line - no specific - mandatory prayers - no defined amount of alms to share.  Lent is YOUR Lent.  The important goal - that in these days you do something.  Stuck on how to proceed - go to your prayer closet - ask God.  He will give you the answer.

Deacon Dale  

Friday, March 7, 2025

Lent Day #3 - No Meat

 Our first Friday this Lent - reminders everywhere - NO MEAT!  Yes - as Catholics we are asked to not only fast on Fridays - also to avoid consumption of meat products.  First choice - Fish - great for those who eat fish - not so for others.  Perhaps a serious bread and water day - maybe. Rather than looking at meatless Fridays as some sort of punishment - turn the table - spend that time normally focused over eating into time with others.  Instead of MEAT - how about we think of MEET - as in meeting with others.  Gathering together for community prayer time - bible study - group projects helping those in need. 

As we gather together and meet with others - many benefits to share. Gathered prayer - in multiple languages - shared reading of Holy Scripture - vocalizing our different thoughts - mulling over options - opportunities. Where many see Lent as a vacant desert filled with a lot of nothing - I prefer to see a sea of opportunities - each of us in our personal space - alone but together - emptying ourselves of worldly concerns - ignoring the fog that blurs our vision - looking deeper into what might be - what can be when we join our mind - hearts - with the Divine.

Deacon Dale 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Lent Day #2 - Dust Bunnies

 Yesterday many of us had dust fragments imposed on our foreheads - today most likely those particles have been removed - washed off in the morning shower - for some removed during the night on their pillow.  The realty - none of us is ever totally free of those fragments - signs of  the sins that we carry with us constantly in our minds - hearts. For the majority - sins that are minor - small missteps done as we rush through our daily lives.  These I call sin dust bunnies - tiny fuzzy fragments - no major things committed by any of us - just little things we should not have done - imperfections in our daily lives.  

In Lent - we are asked to focus on prayer - fasting - almsgiving - emptying our lives of that which is unnecessary - creating room - time - space - to look deeper into that invisible existence we tend to ignore.  Today we identify those remnants - the dust bunnies of our sins - not terrible creatures inside - some like cute baby bunnies we all love to pet and cuddle - but ones we need to remove completely - to make room for the light of the Son - the light of Jesus who seeks to enter into that private space inside each of us where we may become cleansed - clean.  Today that task has begun.

Deacon Dale

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Lent - Day #1 Dust Storm

 As we begin this Season of Lent with our annual Ash Wednesday observances so many of us attending Holy Mass or special liturgical services with the distribution of ashes - we are encouraged to come to a halt - stop in our tracks - consider where we are going in our personal lives.  Simple but profound message - did we listen - has it made an impact on you - in other words - what has happened?  Is this really only about - the chocolate - the cigarettes - the superficial things that you will give up?

So - you got some ash smudged on your forehead - do you think that really means anything?  Does that make you any better than the person next to you who has no ash on their forehead - are you holier - kinder - more considerate of others - more charitable - more tolerant - more accepting - really - think about that.  Does God love you more than the other one - because of those ashes?  Maybe it is time to quit thinking only about yourself - start thinking about the person next to you - the person who has not bathed  in a week - a month - the one who would love to eat the scraps off your table - be offered a ride - offered a hand up - perhaps receive a hug.  In this Lenten period when we consider those without - do something about it - just perhaps the ashes in your heart will fall away - then you may be able to love everyone no matter what.  In Lent all of us need to fast - pray - consider not just ourselves - others and their needs.  Only then will the ash - the dust of our sins be cleansed.

Deacon Dale 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Holy Year of Hope Opportunities

 Let me begin by apologizing for not posting anything here in the last few months. No excuses - truth be told - other things have been capturing my attention.  That is what we call life.  Now to the point of today's post - read the title - Yes - tons of opportunities for everyone to experience this 2025 - Holy Year of Hope - proclaimed by the Pope.  Many opportunities are close to home - located at nearby churches.  In the Joliet Diocese in Illinois - my home parish of St. Patrick in Yorkville, IL has been designated as a Holy Year pilgrimage church in which parishioners and  visitors may gain special indulgences.

In addition

I am leading a special Holy Year Pilgrimage to Poland - which I have labeled as the POLAND - Pilgrimage of Mercy.  On this pilgrimage we will focus on the Divine Mercy Devotion as revealed by the Diary of St. Faustina who was canonized by St. Pope John Paul II.  We will travel from Warsaw throughout Poland visiting sites relevant to Divine Mercy over the course of 9 days.  Please see details below. 

The pilgrimage will depart from Chicago, IL - if you are interested in joining this group space is still available.  It will be a once in a lifetime experience!

Deacon Dale