Monday, March 25, 2024

The Way - Day 41 - What?

 Hey what gives there are only 40 days of Lent why are we up to Day #41?  When we talk about the 40 days of Lent - we do not include Sundays which are not included in that period or any special days. Lent is a penitential period within which - in fact - has 46 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday.  Also partly due to confusion between the period of the Lenten fast and the liturgical 'season' or period of Lent  - Since Sunday is excluded in the week - only 6 of those week days are counted as Lenten days. so to that end - there will be a total of 48 posts to this Lenten series.  Confused - good - walking in a fog sometimes actually helps you see clearer once that fog is lifted.  If you are feeling like you are walking in a fog on your Lenten journey - join the club - you are not alone - it is a part of your experience that is special for you. Leave it up to Jesus to sort this out for you. 

Walking in fog - sometimes you just have to 

Once the fog disappears things become clearer -
like this plant whatever it is 

Road construction on the Camino - in our personal lives - everywhere 

Biking the Camino - not as easy as it looks

Lots of pilgrims ahead of us - lunch time 

Only 30 Km left 

Medieval drainage system 

Last small town before Santiago 

25 Km left 

Did it make a noise when it fell? 
Does God make a noise when he calls you? 

Stone stacking getting serious - 21 Km 

Remnant of old Medieval church 

20 Km enough walking for today 

Typical wash line at the albergues - everyone does wash daily 

Our second public/city owned albergue 

We were very close to Santiago at this point - the 100Km walkers are very numerous now - today was very fruitful - we walked about 23 kilometers - some uphill challenges but most was fairly flat. Clothes washed and hanging out to dry - changed into our dry clothes - looking for some afternoon refreshment - waiting for dinner - then time for reflection - more prayers -  bedtime.  Lights out at 22:00 Holy Weeks has officially started. 

Buen Camino 
Deacon Dale 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Way - Day 40

 Bridges - When is the last time that you crossed over a bridge and gave it a second thought - the age - materials used in construction - style of construction - intended use - technology - design engineer - contractor - construction crew - maintenance - terrain - locations being connected - who or what will use it - only a short list of factors to consider when designing and justifying the cost of the project. Bridges transport - people - vehicles - animals - materials - finished goods - individuals - communities. They connect one geographical point to another - strangers to friends - friends to foes - lovers to each other.  On the Camino - we walked or passed by so many bridges we lost count - on this day our trek promised to have us engage four or more bridges - large and small - as well as other Galician delights.  The most important thing about bridges - they connect individuals - like bridges - the Camino connects people - hopefully in these small bridges of new relationships between participants - the entire world would benefit.  In Lent - those we encounter - help to create a bridge between ourselves and Jesus. On this Pam Sunday - as we walk this Holy bridge from the early days of Lent - into Holy Week - may we draw closer to Jesus as we enter the Holiest week of the year. 

Water fountain in square by the albergue 

Every Neighborhood Has a Square - Every Square Has a Prominent Cross

Entrance to a cemetery 

Leaving Town on the High Road

49 kilometers to Santiago - Note St Gianna Prayer Card on Top

One of our intentions on the Camino was to spread the word about Saint Gianna Bretta Molla - so we had been handing out prayer cards we had printed - to everyone we met - leaving at most of the albergues we stayed at -  underneath the cash tip we left at restaurants and cafes. When we finally got to the 50 kilometer marker - we started leaving the cards at every way marker that was accessible - one every half kilometer - by the time we reached Santiago - we had distributed over 150 prayer cards on these markers. After we reach Santiago we  continued on to Finistre and left the final cards there - all totaled - we distributed 600 prayer cards. Some of these cards were left in the prayer card racks in various churches - so with God's blessing - a lot of people will have been introduced to one of our more modern saints.  

Rocks stacked together - the water runs between and under them - bridge 

Slippery when wet 

Serve yourself fruit stand - honor system 

Camino shell everywhere 

Flowers or weeds? 

Tree surrounded by house - needs renovation 

Outdoor Mass for German pilgrim group

Cows watching Mass - Holy Cows 

Modern bridge 

40 Km way marker complete with stones & prayer card 

Approaching town - Medieval wall - albergue - dinner 

Restaurant sign promoting octopus - Pilgrim Menu - Raciones - a plate of tapas - snacks

Cooking Paella outside the restaurant - the smell attracts customers  

raw octopus 

At this point we had three more days left to walk to the Cathedral at Santiago to reverence the bones of Saint James.  We tried the paella and the pulperia/octopus - paella was ok - not a fan of octopus - tended to be very rubbery - very difficult to cook so we were told. Just because we have a difficult experience or mediocre meal does not mean that we immediately reject in the future.  Bad prayer experience? Try another.  Religion - spirituality is not a one size fits all - as individuals - God comes to as in ways that bridges - connects with our spirit - not necessarily with all.  For each there is a WAY - not identical - rather similar.  May today lead us rejoicing as we begin the holiest week of all.   

Buen Camino 
Deacon Dale 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Way - Day 39

 And on the next day - morning did come - as anticipated.  Almost everyone is familiar with shrink wrapped products - the most common are found in the vegetable and meat aisles in the grocery store. The shrink wrap process has been developed so well that many other industries and products now benefit from shrink wrapping - multiple units of the same product - similar and related products may be wrapped together - especially when introducing a new product. Today while walking - we came across a field where the farmer had shrink wrapped his hay crop. We have seen other systems used to protect hay during the winter months - this was the first time we saw hay wrapped in plastic. 

On occasion - we will come across people who have shrink wrapped their faith - faith that carried them for a period of time - then for no reason - wrapped neatly in a package - placed on an upper shelf - in the closet of their heart - waiting - for an awakening.  Perhaps in this Lent season we may be the one to help them remove that wrapping - to rediscover their faith. 

Hey Hey - Hay 

Saw this sign early in the morning - never found out how to pronounce - not a worry just like reading Scripture - some words - cannot pronounce - as long as you learn the meaning

Morning fog so dense it looks like a lake 

Display of giant sized ants 5 feet tall 

Another One 

And another..


Mary and Jesus 

Dancing Pilgrims - Celebrating?

Debating which way to go?

Our Destination - One hour drive - three days walk - 65 Km to go 

Corn crib - drying & storing corn 

Way Marker with St Gianna card & stones 

Way Marker sponsored by group caring for the Camino 

13 Kilometers down - only 52 Km to go 

Medieval Bridge over quiet waters - time to look for an albergue

All Smiles - Wine & Tapas coming up 

End of day prayers 

Today was a hot 23 kilometer walk - lots of sun - again - no giant hills to climb - one rough patch with rocks and stumps to cope with - otherwise a good day.  Even when we come to a road block in our lives - we are delayed a short time - work through whatever might be - then continue on.  Our days in Lent getting shorter - there is a light at the end of the tunnel - or in our case walking the Camino - at the end of each day a bed - nighttime prayers.

Buen Camino 
Deacon Dale