May the Lord bless you and your loved ones in 2021. Even though we are still coping with the pandemic - many blessings will be given to us. Last year was difficult for all of us - all have had to endure a year of disappointments - financial - spiritual - recreational - educational. In spite of all this - good things still happened. Scheduled surgeries - weddings - births - graduations - all went ahead - changed - modified - but still were completed. Many blessings were received - more blessings went unnoticed - yet God still sent them upon all of us.
The best blessings from God - other people who entered our lives - those who surprised us with their physical - virtual presence - to encourage us that we could cope - know that we are not alone in this life. If you are reading this - you have been blessed even if you do not realize it. You are alive - possibilities abound - so many good things lay ahead. Praise God for your life - make it worth living. With God all things are possible.Deacon Dale