Friday, May 27, 2022


IMHO - In my humble opinion - why are we begging - screaming - complaining - that our government leaders are not passing laws to protect our children?  Laws are written on paper - not in the hearts - minds - of those who choose to do wrong.  It seems to me that every school district - funded by the local citizens - can make any - all - rules regarding school hours - curriculum - and more.  SO......why can't they simply lock their doors - hire security personnel - install security cameras?  To me this seems so very easy.  Sure it may cost a few dollars - but our children's lives and the lives of our teachers are worth it.   AND... it can be done immediately.

Contact your school district today and ask them what security measures they have in place and if they don't - ask why... It not only takes a community to raise a child - also to protect them.  Time to quit blaming others and as a community ban together to get changes made today.

Deacon Dale