Friday, November 3, 2023

I'm Back!

 And - I am back.  Some may have noticed that I have not posted anything for the past few months.  Obviously - I have been occupied with things more important than this blog.  I am no different from any other person - more important things occupy all our lives compared to posting on a blog.  Family - friends - medical needs - helping others - preparing for an annual pilgrimage - all took precedent over this blog. Finally - some time to share a few thoughts with everyone. 

Number #1 - the conflict in the Middle East.  I have to admit that I do not understand that in this age - people are not able to resolve conflicts without killing each other. I understand we all have history - accepting change - different cultures - different belief systems - changing attitudes - new ways rethinking old ideas - developing new ones - none justify killing those who have different ideas - beliefs.  Acceptance - tolerance - the only way to cope with differences.  At this point - prayers needed. 

Number #2 - the Fatima - Lourdes Pilgrimage this September was excellent!  We had a group of 40 people - from various walks in life - in two days - melded into one happy family. Although we did this same pilgrimage in 2017 - different people - similar - different experience.  When we repeat a pilgrimage - always a chance that it might feel a bit - been there - done  that.  That did not happen - in retrospect - never has on any of our pilgrimages.  

Number #3 - total knee replacement - this time my wife's - mine in 2020.  Another repeat experience - same procedure - same surgeon - same hospital - she doing much better that me.  For  that I am very grateful - pleased she is doing so well.  God is Good - Prayers Work - Community Awesome.

Now beginning of November - time to start preparing for Thanksgiving - Advent - Christmas - New Years.  Unlike the past few months that were comparatively low key - the anxiety level starting to ramp up - not a real issue for people of faith.  We know from experience that God never gives us more than we can handle - when it feels that we are approaching our limits - He blesses us in ways unimaginable to help us get through the stress.  As in every single month of the year - in every single situation - Jesus - Our Lord - always there - holding our hands - leading the way.

Deacon Dale