Statue outside Casa de los Botines
The Parador
Statue of Pilgrim in front of the Parador leaning against the base
of a cross - with sandals off
Close by the Parador we crossed another babbling stream - peaceful
Rio Bernesga
As if there aren't enough natural mountains - hills and valleys in northern Spain we came
upon a man made hill to take walkers over some streets and other obstacles
man made hill
Finally - the hills behind us - we came to a flat stretch - coincidence? praying a rosary at the time. In Lent so many opportunities to say a rosary or chaplet on a moments notice -
dotting the day with prayer
Time for a rest
The entire pilgrimage we have been walking near - alongside - over the roads along the Camino trail - now a short stretch under - in Lent do you always take the high road - or are you open to diversions?
Tunnel under highway
Then there were rocks - rubble
Dry rocks
Walking along the highway
Most of the Camino tracks through the bare countryside - often through farm fields - with
permission of the farmers - just stay on the trail - do not damage crops - leave it - as you
found it
Alternate transportation - yes ahead
Village time
Break time food & drink
Back on the trail - more and more - again
ready for a shower - vino y tapas - sleep - as with every night some prayers - thank you Lord
for another memorable day - thank you for this time of Lent
Buen Camino
Deacon Dale