Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Lent - Day #1 Dust Storm

 As we begin this Season of Lent with our annual Ash Wednesday observances so many of us attending Holy Mass or special liturgical services with the distribution of ashes - we are encouraged to come to a halt - stop in our tracks - consider where we are going in our personal lives.  Simple but profound message - did we listen - has it made an impact on you - in other words - what has happened?  Is this really only about - the chocolate - the cigarettes - the superficial things that you will give up?

So - you got some ash smudged on your forehead - do you think that really means anything?  Does that make you any better than the person next to you who has no ash on their forehead - are you holier - kinder - more considerate of others - more charitable - more tolerant - more accepting - really - think about that.  Does God love you more than the other one - because of those ashes?  Maybe it is time to quit thinking only about yourself - start thinking about the person next to you - the person who has not bathed  in a week - a month - the one who would love to eat the scraps off your table - be offered a ride - offered a hand up - perhaps receive a hug.  In this Lenten period when we consider those without - do something about it - just perhaps the ashes in your heart will fall away - then you may be able to love everyone no matter what.  In Lent all of us need to fast - pray - consider not just ourselves - others and their needs.  Only then will the ash - the dust of our sins be cleansed.

Deacon Dale