Sunday, October 30, 2016

Gianna Molla

Those in the know understand when the name - Gianna Molla - is spoken - referring to the modern age saint - Saint Gianna Beretta Molla. In this instance - not correct. The Gianna Molla I refer to in this post - Gianna Emanuella Molla - the living daughter of the Saint. This past weekend - we had the honor of hosting the daughter at our parish. She was here - as a featured speaker - at a fund raising event at the parish - raising funds to help the completion of the Mid-West Shrine for Saint Gianna in Yorkville, Illinois and the Shrine and Complex in Ponte Nuovo of Magenta, Italy.  Doctor Gianna Emanuella Molla is a geriatric physician from Italy who spends her days sharing a joy filled message about her Saint mother and her commitment to Christ.  

Doctor Gianna Emanuella Molla is a joyful smiling servant of God - bringing hope and joy to all in her message. Just like her Saint "mum" - as she frequently refers to her mother - Gianna Emanuella brings God's message of love and healing to all she meets. My personal contact with Gianna Emanuella was very limited - as she attempted to talk with all who flocked around her.  A few brief words - in my limited Italian - brought forth a very genuine and warm smile from her. She is a delight to meet and listen to - her excitement - generating an energy that effected everyone.  Like all of us - she has been called by God - to proclaim Christ's love to all - unlike many - she actually follows through on that call.  We can all take a lesson from Gianna Emanuella - to proclaim to all - God's Divine Mercy and love for all - sainted mother - or not.

Deacon Dale