Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Adventing We Will Go

Adventing - as in actively participating in the various offerings of the season of Advent.  Unlike Lent which has a very penitential flavor - Advent is much more a season of JOY - reflecting on how good we are - how we can become better.  In Holy Scripture we read that when God created the world and all that was in it - He looked around and was very pleased - as everything was GOOD. Not something - not many things - rather ALL things. The ground that we walk upon - the sea that we swim in - the air that we breathe - the animals that we play with - the people who populate every corner of a round world.  ALL was GOOD.  Simply stated WE are good - some better than others - many good - in different ways - to various degrees - but as THE people of God - whether we acknowledge Him or NOT - we are all basically good.  That alone is something worth being joyous about.  During this four week period we have listened attentively to those who lead - attempting in one way or another - to help us see what truly matters. Not our sins - nor our faults - but the goodness inside - that guiding light - placed there before our eyes.

Inside each of us is an ember that glows - the love of a God and His Son we should know. In this season of Advent we go about our days - seeking ways to improve - to be better than we are.  When these days are ended and Christmas is upon us - we will celebrate the birth of Our Lord and the gift that God gave us.  These days will be full - hopefully not those of stress - rather happiness and cheer - for that - we will be blessed.  In eight more days that One day of the year will be upon us - filling all of us with hope and love and the grace of our God.

May Your Advent Be Blessed
Deacon Dale