Sunday, December 18, 2022

Heading Into The Stretch

 Yes - the Fourth Sunday of Advent - Our attention turns now from the Second Coming of Christ to His First Coming at Christmas.  In these previous three weeks we have been asked to reflect - pray - on our individual goodness - how good we have become - the possibilities to improve even more - to be fully prepared to celebrate the original birth - Emanuel - God with us.   We have been asked to meditate - contemplate - on the concept of presence - the intentional act of focusing on others - listening to them - being fully present to them - their thoughts - needs - putting distractions aside - practicing the act of presence.  That sounds simple - in reality - all of us - hundreds of thoughts on our minds - dozens of things we have to do - distract us from truly being present to others.  With practice - very attainable.  

In this last week of Advent - now focusing on the Real meaning of Christmas - placing gifts - parties - gatherings - in their proper place - spending more time on what it is that we are expected to celebrate.  This should be easy - eyes on the Real Prize - eyes on the Real Gift - given Freely by Our Heavenly Father - to Each and Every One of Us,

Deacon Dale