Saturday, January 21, 2023

What A Stretch!

 My last post mentioned "Heading Into The Stretch" which referred to moving from the Fourth week of Advent into Christmas - what a stretch that was!  I missed posting the entire Christmas Season - now firmly set in Ordinary Time.  In those weeks - busy with too many things - preparing to celebrate Christmas - preparing for family events - preparing to make our annual pilgrimage to Arizona.  This  year - all those things took more time - effort - drawing my attention away from blogging.  Trusting in God - the Author of Life - the Author of My Life - I accept what I did not do - what was accomplished instead.  As a person of Faith - I can only Trust - this was the Will of God - whatever  the Reason.  Now firmly entrenched into 2023 - all of us - New Years Resolutions promised - failed - in the works - all up to the Lord's Design.  

With God - all things are possible - the mundane - the extraordinary - the minor - the grand.  In His eyes - all things - all projects - worthy - as long as they help - encourage - inspire - others in what they are doing.  In 2023 our goal - to become better - better people - better friends - better in every aspect of our lives - no matter what we do.  Done with honest hearts -  honest intent - God will bless all of our efforts.  Remember - with God - all things are possible.  May the Lord of Lords - the God of Heaven and Earth - Jesus His Only Son - Bless all you do in 2023.

In His Name

Deacon Dale