Sunday, April 23, 2023

Burning Hearts

In Today's Gospel - (Lk 24:13-35) - We heard - "Were our hearts not burning" on the road to Emmaus - walking with Jesus.  Just imagine what that must have been like for those two disciples - walking towards Emmaus - no clue that their - Lord - their God - would encounter them in that - time - that - space.  That is a part of Our religious history - a part of the Truth - that is Christianity.  Imagine when I - along with my wife - 25 other deacons - wives - ended up at Emmaus - ourselves in 2010.  The words to describe that experience - not enough adjectives exist to properly describe - that very Gospel floating  through our minds at that moment.  Now thirteen years later - having walked that same path that Jesus walked at Emmaus - not once - rather three times - still an experience - hard to put into words - that Gospel reminding me - of my personal experiences in Israel.


Just the idea that Jesus - showed Himself - shortly after His crucifixion - a moment in time few could experience.  I - like most of us - have never seen Jesus appear before my eyes - but I - have felt His presence in my life -  just as many others have - most notably - in the Breaking of the Bread.  As a Roman Catholic - as a Permanent Deacon - as a Believer for my entire life - Jesus has always been a reality in my life.  In sad - unhappy moments - joyful - happy times - Jesus - always near to me.  At Holy Mass - proclaiming His Words - sharing in Holy Eucharist - my Lord always so near.  As we continue our Easter celebration in these Fifty days of Easter - may each of you have your own personal moment when Christ becomes real to you. 

Deacon Dale