Friday, April 7, 2023

The Triduum Day #2 Good Friday

What is so Good about Friday - that day in the life of Jesus filled with - lies - betrayal - judgement - crucifixion - death - sinking down to the bowels of hades - not what anyone wants to think about.  For many people - a day to quickly pass through - a bump on the road to Easter - flowers - fun - food.  For others - those more deeply invested in their faith - sadness - confusion - sometimes anger - always a big WHY.  No one really knows - understands the mind of God.  What made this event necessary - was there another way to accomplish the same thing - how - why - when - questions asked for centuries.

Basically it boils down to Mankind - not something God really wanted to do - His response to people - their poor use of - Free Will - being allowed to make bad decisions -  Time and Again.  He sent prophets - messengers - over and over - simply ignored.  Finally - as we all know - if you want something done correctly - have to do it yourself.  So God stepped down from His throne - Humbled Himself - was born of the Virgin - grew as any human would - grew into the man - Jesus.  In words - parables - miracles - He shared His Plan - Hope - Goals - for humanity.  The Result - Hanging on a Cross - Crucified - Pierced with a lance - Scourged - Flesh torn - Blood dripping from His Body.  For what?  For You and Me - for All of us.  He paid the Price - Debt paid in Full - that is what is so Good about Friday.  Jesus did it for US.  WE do not have to go through what He did - WE do not have to Suffer.  All WE need do is accept the Gift of Salvation - from Him - from HIs Father - through the Power of the Holy Spirit.  He did the work - WE stand besides Him - wave His flag of Victory - Victory over Death - over Satan. Today we Celebrate Good Friday because it is Good.

Deacon Dale