Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Way - #5

 Whenever anyone decides to walk a pilgrimage - one of the first things to do is learn the language - how to greet other pilgrimage - learn directions - left - right - up - down - words that you know by heart so that these minor things do not impede your journey.  On our spiritual pilgrimage - still a few words that we should know.  Patience - quiet - meditation - reflection - humility - penance - praise - thankfulness - persistence - prayer. On a walking pilgrimage one will need water - food - walking sticks - good shoes - a change or two of clothing - other basic necessities.  On a spiritual journey a similar need - books - pen and pencil - writing papers - a Bible - other prayer guides - comfortable places and spaces - drink - food & snacks - a cup or glass.  Although we may walk in the desert with Jesus - no need to starve oneself or deprive oneself of basic needs.  All these on any journey helps us to ignore everyday items so that we may focus on what is above.

Jesus told His disciples to go - to venture out with only the necessities - so they could focus on their mission.  Likewise - when we journey during Lent - the necessities close at hand - our main focus on what we are doing with our spirituality.  There are 40 days of Lent so no need to rush through this experience - better to venture slowly - taking in all that He wants us to experience.  Stopping during the day - during prayer time - to reflect and take in what is happening - far more important that what we have covered.  Steady - slowly - step by step - we begin our Lent.

Buen Camino 

Deacon Dale