As normal - Valentines Day approaches - February 14th - with it tons of feelings - positive - negative. What is the point - just another holiday invented by merchants to sell more useless trinkets - flowers - candy - to many who would honestly prefer to skip the whole observation. Does that sound like you - someone you know? Perhaps you are one who loves this holiday - a true lover of all things that reflect the concept - nature - gift of love. It is very easy to see both sides of this coin. Throughout time people have loved - been loved - shared love in many simple - awesome ways. Just as interesting is the fact that many persons - named Valentine - have been honored in various ways. In different Christian denominations Valentines Day - a Feast Day when the Church celebrates multiple persons named Valentine - all martyred for their faith.
Love exists in may forms - love - for that special person in ones life - spouse - children - parents - friends. The greatest of all loves - the love that Our God has for each - everyone of us. Love without limits - no boundaries - no strings attached. This year Valentines Day shares the day with Ash Wednesday - one special day of the year when we acknowledge the One - who shared His love with the entire world - who calls us to reflect on the depth of our love - for the special people in our lives - for Him - who loved us first.