Friday, February 24, 2023

Lent #3 - Making it Personal

Failing to Plan - Planning to Fail - a phrase all of us have heard over the years.  For many -  their Lenten experience will be delayed as they concentrate too much on what they should - will be able to do - for Lent.  Rather than getting involved with too much planning - too many details - attempting to design the perfect exercise - better to just - get on with it.  As I mentioned previously - I add more into my Lent - an ongoing process  that evolves on a daily basis.  Whatever I do - in the end - will be just fine with God - as long as whatever I do is with a clean - committed - heart.  I do not have to explain - justify - my efforts to anyone - that is completely between me and God. This also applies to you - your business - your plans for Lent - between only you - God. Whatever - however - you experience Lent - your business - nobody else's.

Jesus came into the world - humbled Himself - for all mankind - for you alone.  If you were the only person who was in need of salvation - He would have still died on the Cross for you.  It is a hard concept to accept - a reality without a doubt.  Your plan for this Lent - honor your personal relationship with Jesus - meditate on that.

Deacon Dale