Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Lent #7 - The Desert Experience

When we hear that Jesus spent 40 days in the desert - most ask - why?  Presumably the desert is devoid of all life - no people - no plants - no animals - nothing living.  Being in the desert - living in the desert - like being in a vacuum - total silence - no distraction - ability to concentrate - focus on your thoughts - prepare for a future event.  The desert however not totally devoid as suspected - life actually abounds if one knows where to look.  For Jesus - the desert experience gave Him an opportunity to separate Himself from the distractions of life that all experience.  Each year my wife and I withdraw from our normal lives - withdraw to the Sonoran Desert in Arizona.  In that time we are able to eliminate many of the daily distractions of our lives - focus on the quiet - the beauty that exists in our desert.  In the Sonoran Desert - unbelievable beauty - life abounding in the various species of animals - colorful plants - unique rock formations.  In that quiet we have identified our special - Prayer Rock - a secluded place where we sit in prayer - facing the East - opening our minds - hearts to God. In that space - we draw close to Our Lord - Savior.
                                 Desert Beauty -   Flowers on a Saguaro Cactus in Sonoran Desert 
For those who seek - prayer space available - one only has to take time to locate their special space.  In that sacred space - be it in a desert - on the back deck - in a tropical space - a silent room at home - all may place themselves - in the presence of Jesus.  You pick the space - invite Jesus in - and the rest will  happen.  The quiet - peace - beauty - flows freely as you experience the solitude with Our Lord.  Seek and you will find - a gift on your Lenten retreat.

Deacon Dale