If you are a fan of baseball - very happy that the extended negotiations between owners - players - finally over. Games are finally being played again - able to go to the ballpark - enjoy an afternoon - evening - of baseball. It is unfortunate - millionaires - arguing with millionaires - at the expense of fans - majority who will never be a millionaire themselves. This is an issue that all of us have to contend with - those with money - too often make their wealth at the expense of those with much less. Unfortunately - many aspects of life that are not fair - majority - coping as best they can do - accepting - what they cannot change. Better to move on - concentrate on the really important things in life that are within ones control.
Bottom line - our personal happiness - taking care of self - family - friends - the things that really matter in life - where we focus our energies. Rather than waste - time - on things we cannot change - focus on those we can. The Serenity Prayer comes to mind -
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."
In life we can focus on our health - physical - spiritual - our occupations - our relationships - family - friends - God. It is imperative that we do not let things beyond our control occupy our thoughts - actions. Instead - the truly important things - especially our personal relationship with Jesus - must be our number one priority. As we continue our Lenten journey - we need to be consistent - diligent - in our efforts to improve as much as we can. Our focus - not on the games played around us - rather that which leads us to our eternal life with God - Game on.