Saturday, March 19, 2022

Too Weak

From my experience working with people - one comment often spoken - unable to accomplish a task - project - just too weak - unable to get it done.  I am fairly certain that many of us have been in that same boat - get to a point when you feel completely exhausted - mentally - physically.  Nobody can ever blame anyone for having that happen.  There are times - hopefully few and far between - that it is used as an excuse - to stop where they are - being bored - unfulfilled - more attractive option available - just wanting to quit.  

We are now at the end of week two - hopefully not - weak too.  For some - Lent too long - too trying - too demanding.  For those whose faith is strong - just getting energized - excited by the options - possibilities - awaiting them.  Always at our side - Jesus - always ready to step in - help us - with our endeavors.  One has to remember in those times of trials - weakness - when our battery feels run down - somewhat similar to what Jesus experienced Himself during His forty days - in the desert.  He never gave up - ignored the temptations laid before Him by the Devil - as a model for all of those who would follow Him - as disciples.  Jesus - our role model - Our Lord - even today - walking in the desert - at our side - in these forty days of Lent.

Deacon Dale