Sunday, March 27, 2022

Running on fumes

Anything worth doing involves physical - mental - energy.  Even when all the plans have been  made - schedules planned - team gathered - tools ready - energy - the key ingredient.  Without energy - a fuel source - back up reserves - failure almost guaranteed.  It doesn't matter if you are adding a garden feature - addition onto the house - publishing a book - novel - short story - leading a prayer service - helping with a youth group - all take considerable - time - energy.  Heading into any project when one is already feeling exhausted - failure looming on the horizon.  To be properly prepared - start with a full tank - energy reserves - close at hand. 

To many - Lent is very tiring - an exhaustive process - spread over a long time.  To some - six weeks a drop in the bucket - to others - anything beyond twenty-four hours - a long burdensome trek.  In those times when you feel like you are - running on fumes - no reserves available - the tank rapidly becoming empty - time to push the pause button - stop - seek respite.  No one in their right mind should ever criticize one for taking a break - putting a project on hold.  For some - a feeling that they are disappointing God - good news - He has all the time in the world - for you - for any effort you might make.  God is very patient - He created you to be Good - not perfect - so give it a rest.  If you need time - Jesus - always - will wait for you.

Deacon Dale