Good Friday - the second day of the Triduum - the day that humanity put God on trial - could not find any reason to punish Him - forced by the people - giving in to political power - calling for Jesus to be crucified.
On this day in history - humanity rebelled against Him - the Author of Life - the One who Created - Heavens - Earth - All that exists - their very being. As thinking creatures - blessed with intellect - language - free will - ability to achieve anything - they chose - Death. Death on a Cross. When the spear was plunged into Jesus' side - when the blood - water - life - flowed out of His mortal body - all time stopped. In that one instance - at the very moment He breathed His last - as a human - all life - all movement - everything came to a stand still. In that moment - God gasped - held His breath - checking in His emotions at what the world had done to His Son. In an instant - all that happened - nothing - Silence. Then - as in a rage - the Heavens opened up - the tears of God fell - like a rain storm - the veil of the Sanctuary - was ripped from the top - where it touched Heaven - down to the Earth - that drank the Blood of His Son. This is what happened on Good Friday - God Friday - when anyone else would have torn their enemy limb from limb - yet - God cried - in HIs Divine Mercy - Forgave those who ended His human life. As we spend this day - alone - with others - however we chose - we pause - and hear the voice of Jesus - deep within our hearts - souls - Father Forgive Them - They Know Not What They Do.
Deacon Dale