Thursday, April 14, 2022

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday - the first day of the Triduum - the Three Holiest Days - before Easter.  Tonight at Holy Mass - significant events celebrated - the initiation of the Eucharist - initiation of the Priesthood - the Foot Washings - model of service to others. How Christians are called to live a life of holiness.

At the Last Supper Jesus took bread - wine - said - "do this in memory of Me" - the first Eucharist.  When He instructed His disciples - Do this - created the priesthood - washing the feet of others - showed His disciples first hand - Ministry of Service.  As His modern day disciples - we are called to do the same - as non ordained - specifically - service to others. One does not have to be ordained to practice - live a life - as a Christian - Christ follower.  God has called all our names - not all hear - fewer respond to that call.  Today we celebrate the beginning of Christianity.

Deacon Dale