Thursday, April 7, 2022

Reading Scripture

If you want to know anything about anyone - need to do the research - dig in - dig deep - go the extra mile.  To learn about Jesus - need to read about Jesus - to learn about God - need to read about God - best source - the Bible.  One would think that is all you should need to read - not true.  The Bible is the inspired Word of God - the Books of the Bible - not necessarily in good chronicle order.  To understand what the Bible actually says - one needs to read with a plan.  Many people assume they start with Genesis - continue straight through to Revelation.  Doing that creates a lot of questions - confuses many - majority quit before they get through the Old Testament - the Hebrew Scriptures.  One good way would be to follow the podcasts with Father Michael Schmitz - currently the number one podcast listened to.  His style of reading Scripture - blending in an excellent reading style - combined with an organized approach - makes Scripture come alive - not always in a clear manner - more in a real manner.  Passages that confuse - seem to conflict with the common idea of who - what God - Jesus - is - are numerous.  Father Michael has a way to put it in proper perspective.  In addition - other books - available to fill in the blanks. 

Getting to know  the history - theology - behind religion - helps to broaden one's perspective - understanding God - His Son - The Holy Spirit.  God has a plan for our life - the Bible is a long love letter - from God - to each of us.  The way to a joyful - peaceful life - the road we should follow - laid out in the Bible. The majority - have a Bible - today would be a good day to get acquainted with it.  Father Mike's podcast is available for free - just click this link and get started with him today.

Deacon Dale