Friday, April 8, 2022

Our Father

Everyone has a father - somewhere - living or dead - would not exist - without a father.  Most of us have fond memories of our father - some not so blessed - happy memories few and far between.  Growing up - always a bonus when dad was around - helping - teaching - guiding us along the path of life.  For those with absentee fathers - another story - lots of disappointment - lack of male influence.  For those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord - Savior - know that they have a Father in Heaven - who has always been there - will always be there - just for them.  God is not - has never been - an absentee Father.  He created the world - all that is in it - just for us - worthy of  our praise.

In God we have a Father - worthy of our love - praise - adoration.  Always there - never disappointing - listening to our every prayer - conversation that we direct to Him.  In faith - we offer to Him - the prayer Jesus taught His disciples 

Today is an excellent day to offer this prayer to Him - the Author of Life - the One - who has always been there for us - since the beginning of time.

Deacon Dale