Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Lent #8 - One Down More To Go

Congratulations - you have completed your first full week of Lent - one week ago you were reminded that 'You are dust and to dust you shall return" as ashes were placed on your forehead.  That evening or perhaps the next morning the ashes were washed off - life returned to normal - or did it?  Did you go home from church with a renewed perspective on your life - where you were going - making plans for your personal Lent journey - or - nothing changed except the fact you attended a Lenten service.  Many people go out of their way to receive ashes - only to leave their observance of Lent at that one experience.  Perhaps you are one that takes the Season of Lent seriously - becoming involved with all that the Church makes available.  Now as we begin the second week of our journey - what are your plans - where do you see yourself in six weeks - at the foot of the Cross?  There are numerous options that we may take - and in that regards - a very personal decision.  For me and my household....... 

Jesus calls each of us - as individuals - to draw closer to Him - improve our personal relationship with Him - with His Father - to commit for the first time - recommit for the fiftieth time - or more.  Every day that we open our eyes - another chance to improve that relationship.  Every day we can make amends - take corrective action - improve upon that which we already have.  Every day we can say "Have Mercy on me Lord - a sinner".  Every day Jesus says to us "turn away from sin - be faithful to the Gospel".  Every day we can celebrate new life - will  this be that day for you?

Deacon Dale