Thursday, May 2, 2013


May has finally arrived and with it better weather and the opportunity to wander outside the house. With that - it is time to begin the annual ritual of prepping the lawn and landscaping - removing leaves left over from last fall - trimming bushes and hedges - fertilizing the flower beds - sprucing up the entire yard. If you have a normal sized yard - the task should not be overwhelming - if you have five acres as we do - that is another story. Luckily we do have tools - lots of tools - to help us with this annual task. One interesting thing about doing lawn work is that it gives you time to be away - away from the phone - away from people - away from other things that occupy one's mind. When you are focusing on you lawn chores - especially when operating dangerous tools - you lose yourself in that task - nothing else matters for the moment. I enjoy the time I spend working around the house and especially with lawn work. It becomes a time when I can relax - work at my own pace - and be with myself - to think - to ponder - to pray.
When Jesus went into the desert - He was seeking quiet for Himself - He needed to be away - to reflect - to ponder - to pray. His tool was prayer - His task much more important that doing lawn work - His goal - the salvation of the world. Although He did leave the desert - He has not left us. He continues to work in our lives - to work in our hearts - in our minds. Jesus plants seeds of faith in the soil of our hearts - He waters them with His Holy Spirit - He prunes our growth with loving care. Today when you work in your yard - allow Jesus to come into your heart - in those quiet moments - allow Him to love you - to heal you - to nurture your soul - He is waiting - go out and be with Him.

Deacon Dale