Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Joy

We all have options in our lives - what else could I possibly post on December 25th - anger - unhappiness - loneliness?  Yes - those things do exist - my blog - my choice.  I chose - JOY - an emotion foreign to many people.  In spite of everything that surrounds Christmas - too many people find Christmas to be a very stressful - angry - time of year.  I understand - death - loss of a loved one - loss of a job - loss of hope - colored in a lot of different ways - creates a sad environment.  I remember a time when I had - parents - in-laws - an older brother - a twin - the expectation of a child who was never born.  Very personal - very sad.  I could hide myself away - ignore others - feel unhappy - chose sadness - not my choice.  I chose to look at life differently.  Rather than dwell on what was - I chose to focus on what is.  Family - here and now - the promise of future happiness - acknowledging the blessings God has given to me - my spouse - my children - my friends.   If any of us would count our blessings versus the negative - we would have to admit that all of us have received many more blessings than not. 

Like most of my friends - Christian - otherwise - we are people of HOPE.  We accept the bad moments in life as moments - time that passes away - lives in the past - looking forward to all the good - Joy - that we will experience in the near future.  Religious or not - Christmas is about Jesus - The Christ - God wrapped in swaddling clothes - laid in a manger when there was no proper room for the King of Kings.  If He who is LORD can accept His first bed made of a manger filled with straw in a space shared with cattle can't we do as much?  Life is filled with thousand of moments - most of them very good.  In your own life - stop this Christmas and think - I am certain there are many moments - when you experienced Christmas Joy.

Merry Christmas

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, December 17, 2023


Adventus - no - not Advent - Adventus means arrival.  Arrival of what you ask - obviously - the Season of Advent.  Yes - this Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent which means there were two Sundays of Advent previously.  So what is the point - why do we have Advent in the first place?  Some will say - it marks the beginning - start - of a new Liturgical Year on the Church Calendar.  Again - yes - the Church has an official Calendar.  Similar to the secular yearly calendar which goes from January 1st to December 31st or the Fiscal calendar that normally goes from July 1st to June 30th - the Liturgical Calendar goes from the First Sunday in Advent - normally the Sunday following Thanksgiving - to the celebration of Christ the King Sunday the week ending the liturgical year. The cycle repeats itself every three years though Cycles A - B - C - thus giving the Church three years to read through a majority of the Bible - giving it the time to share with it's parishioners a very full view of what the Bible contains - exposing all to the majority of the Gospels - Words shared by Jesus - to all believers.  

Advent is a Season of four weeks - four weeks in which the faithful are encouraged to prepare themselves for two things. The first two weeks focus on End Time Theology - that time when we will meet Jesus at His Second Coming - either the end of this world - or the end of our life. The second two weeks tend towards our preparation to properly celebrate Christ's First Coming - His Birth at Christmas.  In this Season of Advent we take time to reflect on ourselves - our goodness - our failures - how well we have prepared ourselves for that day when we will meet the Lord - face to face - when our life ends here - as we transition from this existence to a heavenly one - how well we have prepared ourselves to celebrate his coming as Emmanuel - God with us - at Christmas.  As people of Hope - as modern day Christians - as true committed believers - we pray that we have prepared well - for both.

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Why Hide Your Talent?

This Sunday the Gospel (Mt 25:14-15, 19-21) focused on the talents (i.e. money) that the land owner left with his workers.  In those times a talent was usually a large heavy object worth a large sum.  At first look - we assume that the talent in mention is money - since that is very often what the average person thinks about. Money to sustain life - buying food - paying rent - affording all the things that helps everyone have a comfortable life.  That is very reasonable - however - the real talent - considering that God is the land owner - the servant - us - His disciples - workers - changes the whole focus of the Gospel.  The One who received - one talent - buried it - returned it back to the Land owner - God - unchanged - is our focus. That  One is not a sinner as many would guess - rather - an unfortunate - a person who did not have faith in the one talent - gift - they had received.  Questioning what they had - what they could accomplish - what they could achieve - in fear - hid that talent - that gift - that ability.  They are not alone - so many people in this modern day have received numerous gifts from God - completely unaware of those gifts - unaware that they have been empowered to accomplish many -mighty - things.  Those gifts - buried deep inside  their very being.  They walk among us - sit next to us in the pew - stand next to us in the shopping line - going about their life - completely oblivious of the talents they have. Many years ago when my sons were competing in sports - when they took first place - after congratulating  them on their  accomplishment - very often they would reply that they were not the best - only the best on that day - in that specific competition - acknowledging that there were others - much better than them - who were elsewhere - not at that specific event - acknowledging their talent - recognizing others also shared that same gift. 

For those who believe they have not received any special talents from God - need to take time - look deeply inside - to discover what the real gifts are that they have received.  Once seeing those gifts - time to dig them up - take out of the depths - share with those around them. So many talents - gifts from God - go undiscovered - unshared - because of a lack of faith.  All of us have to remember as children of God - as His disciples - as followers of Jesus - each - every one of us - have been blessed mightily.  As true disciples - our duty to share all that we have received.  With God - Jesus - the Holy Spirit - All things are possible - in Faith we share all we have received.

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Virgins & Oil & Wailing of Teeth

The Gospel this Sunday (Mt 25: 1-13) seems to focus on the ten virgins - half who were prepared for a long night - half who did not think far enough ahead.  It also seems to make oil the thing to focus on - how much is necessary for success.  While that is what what we read at Holy Mass - the real focus in on - us - the faithful.  As we near the end of the liturgical year and approach the beginning of Advent - the first season of a new liturgical year - we are being asked to focus on the - End Times.  All of us are journeying toward the end of our life on this Earth - every day moving towards that day when we will meet the Lord - face to face.  We hate to admit it - all of us have an end date - known only by God.  It is  not about how many days we have left - it is not about how much faith we have - it is not about how much we pray - fast.  The whole point is about being prepared.  If the Lord calls you to Himself today - will you be ready - will you be able to drop everything you are doing - will you be able to take His hand - let him embrace you - walk into eternity with Him.

Each of us has been told over and over again how much Jesus - God - His Mother loves us.  We have heard over - over again - repent - make things right in your life - prepare the way of the Lord - to be Lord of your life - to accept Him as Your Personal Savior - to walk with Him on a daily basis.  It is not a hard task - pray the sinner's prayer - Lord have mercy on me a sinner - accept Him into your life - then continue your journey in peace - harmony with Jesus.  It is never too late - today would be a good day to start.

Deacon Dale 

Friday, November 3, 2023

I'm Back!

 And - I am back.  Some may have noticed that I have not posted anything for the past few months.  Obviously - I have been occupied with things more important than this blog.  I am no different from any other person - more important things occupy all our lives compared to posting on a blog.  Family - friends - medical needs - helping others - preparing for an annual pilgrimage - all took precedent over this blog. Finally - some time to share a few thoughts with everyone. 

Number #1 - the conflict in the Middle East.  I have to admit that I do not understand that in this age - people are not able to resolve conflicts without killing each other. I understand we all have history - accepting change - different cultures - different belief systems - changing attitudes - new ways rethinking old ideas - developing new ones - none justify killing those who have different ideas - beliefs.  Acceptance - tolerance - the only way to cope with differences.  At this point - prayers needed. 

Number #2 - the Fatima - Lourdes Pilgrimage this September was excellent!  We had a group of 40 people - from various walks in life - in two days - melded into one happy family. Although we did this same pilgrimage in 2017 - different people - similar - different experience.  When we repeat a pilgrimage - always a chance that it might feel a bit - been there - done  that.  That did not happen - in retrospect - never has on any of our pilgrimages.  

Number #3 - total knee replacement - this time my wife's - mine in 2020.  Another repeat experience - same procedure - same surgeon - same hospital - she doing much better that me.  For  that I am very grateful - pleased she is doing so well.  God is Good - Prayers Work - Community Awesome.

Now beginning of November - time to start preparing for Thanksgiving - Advent - Christmas - New Years.  Unlike the past few months that were comparatively low key - the anxiety level starting to ramp up - not a real issue for people of faith.  We know from experience that God never gives us more than we can handle - when it feels that we are approaching our limits - He blesses us in ways unimaginable to help us get through the stress.  As in every single month of the year - in every single situation - Jesus - Our Lord - always there - holding our hands - leading the way.

Deacon Dale 

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Walking on Water

No - I have not been walking on water - I have to leave that up to Jesus.  It has been a while since my last post.  Since June I have been very busy trying to keep my head above water - coping with lots of different issues.  We are now only about three weeks away from our pilgrimage to Portugal - Spain - France to visit Fatima - Burgos - Montserrat - Lourdes - La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.  At the same time - also arranging a new pilgrimage to Italy for October 2024 - honoring a surprise request from my pastor to arrange a pilgrimage for him to the Holy Land in June 2024.  In addition - coping with a family funeral and conducting multiple funerals for the local funeral homes.  In my spare time I have managed to mow the lawn every four days - taking care of the farmette at home.  Today a bit of a breather - my time - creating this post - meditating on the Scriptures for this weekend - preparing a homily for Holy Mass.  You guessed it - the Gospel this weekend is about Jesus sending his disciples across the Sea of Galilee after feeding the five thousand - taking a break to go up the mountainside for a little - Me and Thee time - catching His breath - rejoining the disciples very late at night in a choppy sea - walking to them on the water.  

The Scriptures are not about Jesus walking on water - He is God - He can do anything He wants.  It is not about water - over seventy percent of the Earth is water - it is not about Peter who quickly sinks into the water when he leaves the boat.  No - the Gospel for this Sunday is  about you - me - all of us who are struggling - coping with the chaos of life.  It about the state of the world - all the things going on around us - the things that are going wrong - disappointments we are facing - plans gone astray.  It is about us - drowning in the daily struggles of life - how we step out on our own - like Peter - quickly realizing we are literally over our head -  feeling alone - abandoned - reaching out - looking for help - from anywhere.  Like Peter - we need to look at the Lord - to focus - reach out to Jesus - to cry out - Lord help me!  Just as He spoke to Peter - to His disciples - He reminds us -  Take courage - it is I - do not be afraid.  In the chaos of our lives we need to ignore the sounds of the world seemingly crashing around us - we need to ignore the thunder - lightening - instead stop - listen to the Lord - whispering to us in the silence of the breeze - in the silence of our hearts -  reminding us to focus on Him - to proclaim - Jesus I trust in You.

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Honoring The Trinity

Last week we celebrated the Holy Trinity - Father - Son - Holy Spirit.  Today we continued that celebration with the Feast of Corpus Christi - The Holy Trinity - One person - One God - summed up in the Physical Body of Christ.  The God - in human existence - who gave His life - on the Cross - that All of us might share in His redemption.  God who put Himself on the Cross - that each of us might have Life - Live it to the Fullest. On this day we processed through the neighborhood in our annual Eucharistic procession - sharing with those around us - our belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  An open invitation to all to join us.

Just as Jesus walked among the People of God in His days - He still is here with us - even today.  We may not see His Human appearance - He is still very much present to us today. In prayer - times of silence - at Holy Mass - receiving Him in Holy Communion - He is always available to all who seek Him.  In Him we live - breathe - experience the fullness of life.

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Flames and Glory

Today we celebrated Pentecost - that event that marked the Gift of the Holy Spirit - manifested by the Sound of rushing Wind - Tongues of Flame - Speaking in multiple Tongues - all a Grand Effort - God getting people's attention.  After Jesus returned to Heaven to be reunited with the Father - a Promise fulfilled - the Third Person of God - Spoken of in History - Revealed by the Son - United in some unexplainable Way - the Holy Trinity.  On this Pentecost Day - as in years past - celebrating the Birth of the Church.  The Birth of the People of God - assembled together in mass not church as in a structure - rather Church as People - Gathered together as the Human expression of God - His Love - His Forgiveness - His Healing - His Acceptance -  what we Call - The Body of Christ.

Two thousand years since the First Pentecost event - What we - the People of God - have Accomplished in that time - Amazing - Unbelievable - Fantastic - Things - all in His Holy Name. Now is not the time to sit back - brag about what we have done - Now the time to Accomplish
 even More.  Each of us has received his Spirit in - Baptism - Confirmation - Holy Communion - in Every Sacrament we have celebrated - Now is the time to Truly Act - Be the Body of Christ.  With that Power in His Body - All Things Are Possible with God!

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

High Times

Today in place of the Seventh Sunday of Easter - we celebrate The Ascension of the Lord - this Feast of the Ascension commemorates Jesus' ascension into heaven 40 days after his resurrection. Thus Ascension Day falls 40 days after Easter - on the 6th Thursday of Easter - due to the  importance - moved by many Bishops to the Sunday Celebration of Holy Mass - making it available to more of the faithful to celebrate who normally cannot attend daily Mass due to work commitments - other obligations.  In this celebration Jesus gives His final instructions to His disciples - to Go - Baptize - to the Four Corners of the World.

What He instructed His disciples to do some two thousand years ago - still applies - today - to those of us who claim to be His modern disciples.  Ordained or not - each and every one of us - who professes the Creed- who tell others that we are Christians - called by Our Lord - to proclaim His Gospel - everywhere we go - whether convenient or not - that His Message reaches the ears of all people.  Today we celebrate that day when Jesus joined His Father in Heaven - that day when we - His disciples were joined with Him in His ministry to share the Truth with all we know.

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Easter Joy

 Yes - we are still in the Easter Season - Yes - plenty of Easter Joy to experience.  In today's scripture we start with Philip spreading the Gospel Message - just as Jesus said the apostles should do.  Bonus in that effort - unclean spirits - leaving many people - shouts of joy at being freed.  In the Gospel - Jesus reassuring His disciples that they will not be left alone when He ascends to Heaven - God sending the Holy Spirit to guide - help them. 

Even today - as modern day disciples - each of us - benefitting from the help of His Holy Spirit.  In so many ways - in so many circumstances - the Holy Spirit - helping His followers around the World.   We are after all - Easter People - those who have made a conscious decision to accept Jesus as Lord of our Lives - Our God - Our Savior - the One in whom we put our complete trust.  Yes - there is a reason to be joyful - every day of our lives.  No matter what may happen in our lives - Jesus - stands there - gracing you with His Love - truly-  something to be joyful about. 

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, May 7, 2023


Before anyone buys their first home - most rented an apartment - house - getting established as an adult - new graduate from school - moving away from parents - changing jobs - locations - career.  As we grow into adulthood - finish our years of education - training - settle into new situations - majority do not make the financial commitment to purchase property.  Instead we elect to rent - go through the process of credit checks - inspection by the rental agents - proving that we are worthy of a tenant - landlord relationship.  When all goes as expected - rental agreement is signed - sealed - delivered - we move in.

Hofburg Palace, Vienna 

In today's Gospel - Jesus tell His disciples - all of us - that when the time is ready - no house hunting required.  He already has a place for each of us - in His Father's house.  No inspection - security deposit - no credit check required.  Your place secured - the price - paid in full - by His Blood.  His Father's House much grander - larger than the palace shown here.  Our home in Heaven - with Jesus - a Gift from God - simply for being His loyal servants - followers - doing as He asked.  The way to Heaven - to His Father - always through Jesus - Him and no one else.  Jesus is the Way - the Truth - the Life.

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Jesus - Gatekeeper

Today - the Fourth Sunday of Easter - Good Shepherd Sunday - in the Gospel Jesus talks about sheep - gates - pasture - crooks - thieves.  So what is going on here - what does this have to do with the Fourth Sunday of Easter.  Isn't Easter about celebration - pastel colors - happiness.   In Today's Gospel we hear - John 10:9  -  "I AM the Gate - Whoever enters through Me - will be Saved - will come In and Go out - find pasture". 

Yes we are still in the Easter Season - Need to remember what Easter is all about.  If we back up just a few weeks - Death - Dying - Torture - Sadness - Resurrection - New Life.  In today's Gospel - Jesus reminding His disciples - reminding Us - that Life in Christ means - Life.   Putting our Trust in Jesus - in His Words - Knowing that He - the Lord - really Knows each of Us.  He knows our voices - we know His - an intimate relationship - one that guarantees us - Life in the Fullest.  No gate to separate us from enjoying Life.  Freedom to come - go - In - Out - as we wish.  A challenge to really act like disciples - to share His message of - Forgiveness - Healing - Love - Acceptance - Tolerance - Becoming Christ Like in our own lives.  A challenge - a reality - for all things are possible with God.   When He met Moses - He told him - I AM.  Today He tells you - me - I Am - the Gate - I AM - Here to give you New Life.

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Burning Hearts

In Today's Gospel - (Lk 24:13-35) - We heard - "Were our hearts not burning" on the road to Emmaus - walking with Jesus.  Just imagine what that must have been like for those two disciples - walking towards Emmaus - no clue that their - Lord - their God - would encounter them in that - time - that - space.  That is a part of Our religious history - a part of the Truth - that is Christianity.  Imagine when I - along with my wife - 25 other deacons - wives - ended up at Emmaus - ourselves in 2010.  The words to describe that experience - not enough adjectives exist to properly describe - that very Gospel floating  through our minds at that moment.  Now thirteen years later - having walked that same path that Jesus walked at Emmaus - not once - rather three times - still an experience - hard to put into words - that Gospel reminding me - of my personal experiences in Israel.


Just the idea that Jesus - showed Himself - shortly after His crucifixion - a moment in time few could experience.  I - like most of us - have never seen Jesus appear before my eyes - but I - have felt His presence in my life -  just as many others have - most notably - in the Breaking of the Bread.  As a Roman Catholic - as a Permanent Deacon - as a Believer for my entire life - Jesus has always been a reality in my life.  In sad - unhappy moments - joyful - happy times - Jesus - always near to me.  At Holy Mass - proclaiming His Words - sharing in Holy Eucharist - my Lord always so near.  As we continue our Easter celebration in these Fifty days of Easter - may each of you have your own personal moment when Christ becomes real to you. 

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

23rd Anniversary

It is always special when an anniversary is celebrated - a religious anniversary - more so.  On May 5, 2000 Pope John Paul II declared that the second Sunday of Easter would forever after be known as Divine Mercy Sunday - based on the Diary of St Faustina Kowalski who the Pope had just canonized on April 30, 2000 - the Polish nun - known as the Secretary of Jesus - whose diary shared with the world her visions she shared with Jesus.  The great focus - primarily - the Divine Mercy of God - Mercy unknown to anyone other than God. 

Because only God is able to possess agape love - a love not humanly possible - all of us are benefactors of His Awesome - Unbelievable Mercy.  God with Jesus and the Holy Spirit as One Divine Person - can - will - forgive - anyone - any sin - any deed gone wrong - if only one is willing to ask - with a heart filled with faith - sorrow - for whatever might have been done wrong.  On this Sunday - the Second Sunday of Easter - this Sunday which ends the Octave of Easter - these special first eight days of the Easter Season - we rejoice in this Special Easter Egg - offered to all - Christian or not - a Gift worth celebrating everyday of our lives - most importantly on this Feast of the Divine Mercy.

Deacon Dale 

Monday, April 10, 2023

The 50 Days of Easter

Jesus Christ is Risen! Yes - 2000 years ago He rose.  Two thousand years ago - run that through your mind - what have We accomplished in that time - where are We as His people.  Is there Peace on Earth - All people Believe - Worship Him - unfortunately No.  That means WE still have work to do.

Looking To The Future

Jesus is the same today as He was two thousand years ago.  Today in 2023 - the need for Disciples to spread His Gospel message as important as when He instructed His first Disciples.  Many people hear - not all listen to the Message.  It is up to You - Me to not only speak His message - need to also Model - that lifestyle which He professed.  Now for the next Forty-Nine Days of this Easter Season - let us ALL see if we can do just that.

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Easter Sunday!

Alleluia! He is Risen! Yes - finally - Lent completed - Triduum finished - NOW - Easter for the next 50 days - until Pentecost. Easter Sunday - celebrating that day when Jesus rose from the dead - opened the doors to Heaven - for all of us. This is what we have been preparing ourselves for - throughout Lent. Prayers - quiet time - reflecting on our lives - now - finally - this is it - just as we hoped.

Jesus did exactly as He promised - preached - spread His Gospel to all. Many listened - some did not - for those who did - New Life in Christ. It just cannot be better than that. Praise God that you are a part of this Gift. Amen..

Deacon Dale 

Saturday, April 8, 2023

The Triduum Day #3 Holy Saturday

Day #3 of the Triduum - silence - laying in the tomb - waiting - nothing to do until - the Vigil.  In many churches the morning is used to decorate for Easter Sunday - the Vigil Mass that will be celebrated after dark.  Masses typically not celebrated until after dusk.  Free time in the morning used to bless parishioner's Easter food baskets - review with the catechumens the liturgy - flow of the evening Vigil Mass.  For the catechumens - anxiety - final blessings - preparing for Baptism - Reception into the Church - Confirmation - Holy Eucharist.  

Lighting the Paschal Candle

This evening everything is new - starting after sundown - blessing of the new Paschal candle - blessing of a new fire that will light the new candle - singing the Exultant - the official chant as Holy Mass begins - the large number of Scriptures tonight - the blessing of the font - water for baptism - renewal of baptismal vows - after the homily - baptism - confirmation - Eucharist.  A night of beginnings for the Church - Catechumens - parishioners.  Meanwhile - Jesus in the Tomb - a night of waiting - anticipation - resurrection.   Easter morning will reveal all.

Deacon Dale 

Friday, April 7, 2023

The Triduum Day #2 Good Friday

What is so Good about Friday - that day in the life of Jesus filled with - lies - betrayal - judgement - crucifixion - death - sinking down to the bowels of hades - not what anyone wants to think about.  For many people - a day to quickly pass through - a bump on the road to Easter - flowers - fun - food.  For others - those more deeply invested in their faith - sadness - confusion - sometimes anger - always a big WHY.  No one really knows - understands the mind of God.  What made this event necessary - was there another way to accomplish the same thing - how - why - when - questions asked for centuries.

Basically it boils down to Mankind - not something God really wanted to do - His response to people - their poor use of - Free Will - being allowed to make bad decisions -  Time and Again.  He sent prophets - messengers - over and over - simply ignored.  Finally - as we all know - if you want something done correctly - have to do it yourself.  So God stepped down from His throne - Humbled Himself - was born of the Virgin - grew as any human would - grew into the man - Jesus.  In words - parables - miracles - He shared His Plan - Hope - Goals - for humanity.  The Result - Hanging on a Cross - Crucified - Pierced with a lance - Scourged - Flesh torn - Blood dripping from His Body.  For what?  For You and Me - for All of us.  He paid the Price - Debt paid in Full - that is what is so Good about Friday.  Jesus did it for US.  WE do not have to go through what He did - WE do not have to Suffer.  All WE need do is accept the Gift of Salvation - from Him - from HIs Father - through the Power of the Holy Spirit.  He did the work - WE stand besides Him - wave His flag of Victory - Victory over Death - over Satan. Today we Celebrate Good Friday because it is Good.

Deacon Dale 

Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Triduum Day #1 - Holy Thursday

No Mass this Morning - unless the Bishop blesses Holy Chrism - that is usually done earlier in the week. Holy Mass tonight - Holy Thursday - focused on institution of Holy Eucharist and of the priesthood.  Special focus tonight - washing of feet of Mass participants.  Lent officially ends following Evening Prayer and the Triduum begins with the beginning of tonight's Holy Mass. The banners in church have been Purple throughout Lent - tonight - White - a celebratory color indicating purity - new beginnings - a very special event in the Liturgical calendar. 

Tonight at Holy Mass the oils which were blessed by the Bishop earlier this week are presented at the beginning of Holy Mass - Holy Chrism - Oil of Catechumens - Oil of the Sick. The Oil of the Sick - used anytime a priest wishes to bless those who are sick - often used near death - the final anointing. The Oil of Catechumens - used prior to baptizing infants - adult catechumens during the Baptism Rite. Holy Chrism - the most special of the three oils - used when a person is being confirmed - during infant baptism - ordination of priests - consecration of a bishop - anointing of altars - vessels - consecration of churches. Tonight celebrating that Jesus during His Last Supper - washed the disciples feet as a model of Christian service to others - telling HIs disciples - "If I - therefore - the master and teacher have washed your feet - you ought to wash one another’s feet. I have given you a model to follow - so that as I have done for you - you should also do." (John 13:14-15)  At Tonight's Mass additional bread is consecrated to be used tomorrow afternoon - since no Mass is allowed - these Hosts to be shared in a communion service on Good Friday.  Tonight the tabernacle is left empty - the altar stripped bare - any consecrated Hosts moved to a special place where all may sit in quiet Adoration - meditating on the Mysteries celebrated this night - waiting in Vigil - Jesus taken away by the guards - tomorrow the Passion - sentenced to Crucifixion - by the people - trading Him - the Son of Man - for an insurrectionist - sending Him to Calvary - death on a Cross.  Them - you - me - by our Sins - we have all had a hand in that event.  Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow - He paid the Price - for what we have done - what we have failed to do - what we will do.  Tonight - we sit in darkness - praying - Jesus I Trust in You - Lord - have Mercy on me. 

Deacon Dale 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Lent #43 - T - 1 SPY Wednesday

The Last day of Lent - the end of the journey - finito - done - finished - countdown ended.  For many - SPY Wednesday - following the belief that Judas betrayed Jesus on a Wednesday prior to His crucifixion - Easter.  SPY because some believe Judas was recruited to spy on Jesus' activity - report back His actions - location - leading to His arrest - all for 30 pieces of silver.  Nobody can say definitely with one hundred percent accuracy - but it is a valid assumption knowing what followed as recorded in history.  That next day - Holy Thursday - the Last Supper - seems reasonable.  That should not be our main concern today - rather - an evaluation of how we personally handled our own Lenten experience.  Not how much we did - nor where we did anything - instead - what does our heart tell us.  Are we in a better place than we were back on Ash Wednesday - did we identify things that could be improved in our life.  Have we changed anything - did we stop doing things that were not appropriate - did we apologize to anyone for things we have done - anyone we offended - did we pick up our Bible - study the catechism - participate in a charitable event - offered ourselves in service - at no charge - did we pray more - sit in silence with God - did we do anything - only you can answer those and many other questions.  God knows what you did - what you did not do - one last day to complete Lent on a positive note.

It is so important to remember that God loves us - as we are - Jesus came for us - as we are - died for us - as we are.  It is up to us to make any changes necessary - nobody can do that for us - ours alone to do.  With God all things possible (Matthew 19:26) - everyone of us can improve - all we need is Jesus.  Think about that today - Jesus I Trust in You.

Deacon Dale 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Lent #42 - T - 2 - Twos-day

Yes - believe it or not today is - Twos-day - the final two days of this year's Lenten experience.  It is hard to believe that we are already in the sixth week of Lent - the time has passed so quickly - before we know it we will be participating in the Triduum and Easter.  At one time this seemed so far away - trying to figure out - plan what we each would do in our search for a rewarding - beneficial Lent.  Now  the prayers prayed - the Masses attended - the Scriptures we have read - the hours spent in meditation - adoration - are all accumulating - ending in these final days.

As with any journey - planning - beginning - an end - the value experienced - always on the journey.  Many of us perhaps thought the Gift to be attained at the end of Lent - not really correct. Perhaps during the three days of the Triduum - not really there either. Then Easter - perhaps - if you stop at Easter Sunday - the true Gift - still to come.  There is an entire Easter Season yet to be experienced.  At the Easter Vigil - New Life for those entering the Church - for those of us who are already members - the joy at welcoming new people to sharing that which we already have - Life in Christ.  Our duty - to help guide the new members - those still on the outside - looking in - a life of discipleship.  In two days we evolve like the caterpillar that turns into a beautiful butterfly.  In two days - a new experience begins.

Deacon Dale 

Monday, April 3, 2023

Lent #41 - T-3 - Holy Monday

Holy Monday is Significant  - two reasons - particularly important.  First - Holy Monday set up the events which happened on Maundy Thursday - clearing the temple - Jesus criticized the leaders who allowed - promoted the activity happening in the temple. His teachings rebuked the religious leaders overtly - telling a parable meant to criticize them (Matthew 21:45-46) -  religious leaders had been concerned about Jesus before this - his actions on Holy Monday - Holy Tuesday clinched it - they wanted him dead.  Second - Jesus describes these teachings - parables as being about the kingdom of God. They use different images - words but are all about two ideas - God will offer the kingdom to unexpected people - when the kingdom arrives in full - there will be judgment.  In simple terms - Jesus made corrupt leaders uncomfortable - exposing their wrong doings - making Him go away - permanently - their goal. Getting Judas to help - sealed that deal.

In Jesus' day - even today - corrupt leaders everywhere afraid of being exposed - loss of authority - power - money - too important to many - to lose.  We are now in our countdown to the end of Lent - only 3 days remaining.  Three days to reflect on those things that we are guilty of doing - not doing.  Very unlikely any of us as bad as the religious leaders in Jesus' time - our sins - more ordinary - much less serious.  In these last days - confession - prayers - placing ourselves in His presence - leads us much closer to that brass ring - holiness.

Deacon Dale  

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Lent #40 - T - 4 Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem - an event mentioned in each of the four canonical Gospels - marks the first day of Holy Week - the holiest week in the Christian calendar.  Palm Sunday - celebrated with Holy Mass in which the Gospel narrative of Jesus' entry - acceptance by the people - waving - laying palms in His path - the triumphant entry as a king enters His kingdom - - trial by those who did not understand - feared Him - eventual Crucifixion - Resurrection - all in God's plan to offer Salvation to all. Even to those casual Christians who do not regularly attend church services - highly attended - as is Most of Holy Week activities.

Jesus came for all - all did not accept Him - He came for every man - woman - child - people of all cultures - all beliefs - no one excluded from His offer of salvation.  Throughout the years many have become His followers - disciples - many others - turned to other beliefs.  In spite of this - they have not been abandoned - His offer still stands today as much as it did 2000 years ago.  Lent will conclude this coming Wednesday - three more days to complete our Lenten experience.  Three more days of prayers - meditation - reflection - helping each of us to seek holiness.

Deacon Dale   

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Lent #39 - T - 5 and counting

So Lent is over and tomorrow is Easter! - April Fools! - Just kidding - we still have 5 more days of Lent left.  It is getting very close to Easter - tomorrow is Palm Sunday - the beginning of Holy Week - the holiest week in the Christian calendar. On Palm Sunday we listen to the reading of the Passion for the first of two times in this week.  Then on Monday the bishops typically celebrate a yearly Chrism Mass when they bless the Sacramental Oils that will be used throughout the year.  After blessing - the oils are distributed to all the parishes in that diocese.  Tuesday is normally a calm day - nothing special done on Tuesday or Wednesday - except note the end of the Lenten season.  Once that is accomplished - we move into the Triduum.  As for today - Saturday is basically the calm before the storm.  Last minute preparations for the celebration of Palm Sunday - making sure there are enough palms to be handed out to all the parishioners once they have been blessed - additional seating for the large crowds at Mass.

As in any grand celebration - a lot of work has to be done before the big day.  Anyone who has helped arrange a special birthday party - wedding - knows fairly well what that entails.  This is usually - in most parishes - a much bigger celebration that those - especially because it is a very special religious event - honoring God - Our Lord Jesus - His Holy Spirit.  Everything that we have been doing for the last five weeks has been leading up to this special sixth week.  For us as individuals - it reflects in a special way - our individual efforts during Lent - the prayers - scripture study - time in reflection - meditation - adoration - attending Holy Mass - confession - reconciliation - our personal efforts this Lent.  A few days remain - not time to stop - rather continue our efforts - Jesus asks to stay with Him until all is accomplished.

Deacon Dale 

Friday, March 31, 2023

Lent #38 - T - 6

It is countdown time - now only six days of Lent left - in less than one week we will begin the Triduum - the three holiest days of the liturgical year.  In these final days of Lent we are very easily at the end of a successful Lenten experience - or - we are crying - where has the time gone - I have not even started yet.  Reminder - do not be like the Pharisee in the temple - (Luke 18:9-14) - do not be so quick to pat yourself on the back - nor does one need to beat themselves - rather - be grateful for where you are at this moment.  We are all individuals - our relationship with God is an individual one -not communal - although we walk together in community - each of us is walking our own path to Holiness - redemption.  My journey will never be like yours - nor yours like mine.  We all had a starting point - we all have a finishing point - they hopefully take all of us to the same destination. 

When Jesus was walking to HIs Death - Resurrection - often had to take side steps - life came at Him from all directions - like anyone who sets out on a journey - never a completely straight path. Rocks in the path - roadblocks - unplanned events - happen to all of us.  Our starting point may be - X - our goal - Z - but while on our own journey - Y - things always happen.  That is the story of life.  Each of us has our own story - no two stories identical.  Everyone's journey has an X - Y - Z - never - ever the same.  Does not mean one is better than another - just different.  God has blessed each of us as we walk our journeys - Jesus is with each of us - constantly assisting us - especially on the diversions - those are what makes our journey so beautiful - meaningful - ours.  So Lent ends soon - great - when that happens we transition on a new much shorter - three day experience - leading each of us to -  Easter.

Deacon Dale 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Lent #37 - Covenants

A covenant is a written agreement or promise - usually under seal - between two or more parties especially for the performance of some action.  In today's Scriptures - God makes a covenant with Abram - in which He changes Abram's name to Abraham - informs him that he is to be the - Father of all nations - (Genesis 17:3-9) - basically - "I will be Your God - you will be my people."   A covenant that will be perpetual through all eternity. In the Bible there are five covenants - the Noahic Covenant - the Abrahamic Covenant - the Mosaic Covenant - the Davidic Covenant - the New Covenant.  All agreements between God and various people throughout time.  Each one - to be honored specifically with God.  Even in this day - covenants are made - legal agreements between parties for numerous things -  very often involving business - financial transactions.

When Jesus declared to His disciples that - I AM - He revealed His Divinity - the Fact that He is God - in Human form. The promise He made with Moses - King David - Noah - Abraham - just like the one He has made with You - Me.  When we were baptized - anointed with Chrism - received Holy Communion  - each of us said - Yes - to God.  You will be My God - I will be your disciple.  As we reflect this Lent on our relationship with Him - we need to take time to ask ourselves - How well am I honoring My covenant with Him.

Deacon Dale 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Lent #36 - The Depth of Love

Love is an emotion - a feeling for many things - people - pets - possessions - homes - jewelry - sports - food - almost anything that one likes very much - often declared as loved. We tend to categorize these things into good - bad - acceptable - not acceptable and in each of  these categories - levels  of how much we like - dislike them.  For some things that we like very much - we declare our love for them.  In regards to people - we treat differently - different levels of being liked - disliked.  Before we can state our love for any individual - we process that information in a different way and when we finally decide to declare our love for another person - it becomes a matter not of emotion - rather an intentional decision to love them.  When we declare our love for a person - we state our love knowing full well their flaws.
When God created the world and all that is in it - He saw that it was good. He did not say he loved the things He made - in the instance of mankind - took a different turn - for people He stated His love. Love that knows no limits - no boundaries - always accepting - forgiving - a love that only God can possess - known as agape love - a love unknown by humans. That is the love that Jesus had for mankind - still has for each of us. For Jesus - God His Father - the depth of how deeply they love us - completely unknown by humans - a love that we will never posses. It is because of that agape love - Jesus could look down from the Cross - forgive them for what the were dong to Him. In Romans 5:7 we read "Indeed, only with difficulty does one die for a just person - though perhaps for a good person one might even find courage to die".  Even as He was dying on the Cross - the last drops of blood flowing from His body - Jesus loved all of us - even those who rejected Him - even those who tortured Him - to a depth that we cannot imagine - He loved all - very deeply.  Coming towards the end of Lent - in our prayers - thoughts - a good idea for us to consider how much God loves us - wants us to be close to Him - wants us to cast aside our petty issues and love others as deeply as He  loves us.  With Jesus at your side - you can  do this.

Deacon Dale 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Lent #35 - Who Pays The Price

The price of sin - in Jesus' time - stoned to death - today - honest admission of guilt - confession - absolution.  Happily we have moved from stoning to - conversion - conversation - repentance - forgiveness.  If we follow the example set by Jesus we practice acceptance - compassion.  Nobody is perfect - all of us have done - will do things that we are not - will not be proud of.  When we sin there is a price to be paid. 

Jesus knew what the future held for Him - scourging - stripping - nailed to the Cross - not for what He had done - rather for what mankind had done since the beginning of time - what you and I have done in our lifetimes - what we will do in the future.  It is an inherent weakness in all of us - we cannot - will not be prefect - ever.  No matter how hard we try - we will mess up.  Luckily most of what we do wrong will be minor - not necessarily sinful - on some occasions - much worse. Looking down from the Cross - nails in His hands - feet - blood dripping from HIs body - He will look down at us - Father Forgive Them - those upon whom my eyes look at - For They Know Not What They Do.  Then in one final breath - Jesus dies - for you - for me - price of sin - Paid in Full.  By His Blood - we have been redeemed.  His Blood - not ours.  For our sins - not His.  Pray on that this Lent.  

Deacon Dale 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Lent #34 - The Price of Sin

In today's morning scriptures we hear of two instances of women who were accused of adultery - one falsely - the second - justified.   The remedy - stoning to death.  In the first case a false accusation by two men who eventually were proven to have told a false account.  In the case in the Gospel a woman who definitely was guilty - brought before Jesus for judgement.  His response - sure go ahead stone her - let anyone who is without sin cast the first stone.  All walked away - everyone a sinner. Before anyone could suffer death by stoning - first had to be brought to judgement.

Unfortunately too many people are very willing to judge others - often without complete information - jumping to conclusions.  As we reflect on our own lives - our own sins that we have committed - the things we have failed to do - the sin of omission - all have sinned in the eyes of God.  Jesus the only one who never sinned - the rest of us - guilty as charged.  The hardest sin to avoid - unjustly judging others - need to quit that - accept others in the spirit of love - forgiveness.  Offer your prayers to God - in the name of Jesus - Father forgive us - we know not what we do.

Deacon Dale 

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Lent #33 - New Life

 Today - the Fifth Sunday of Lent - the third Scrutiny of the Catechumens -  Scriptures focus on resurrection - New Life.  The Gospel very clearly shares with us how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.  Just as He gave New Life to his friend - offers us the same.  Today marks the end of the Scunities for those preparing to enter the Church at the Easter Vigil.  In the past three weeks the scriptures have been focusing on the three elements of baptism - water - light - new life.  For those entering the Church - very special liturgies - for those of us - baptized many years ago - those baptized as infants - a chance to journey with the Catechumens - re-live that special moment in our own life.

In the Scriptures - daily - at every Holy Mass - we are offered New Life in Christ.  For those not in a state of grace - opportunity in confession to make things right -  to start lives freshly.  There is no magic - no special requirements - a repentant heart - commitment to leave the past behind.  Each of us is a work in progress - God working in our lives - molding us according to His plan - if we listen to Him - do as He asks.  Jesus always at our side offering His help along the way.  Palm Sunday - Holy Week - only one week away - time to still do what is necessary to prepare ourselves to be ready to celebrate the Easter Mystery.

Deacon Dale 

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Lent #32 - God Is With Us

Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Annunciation - the Scriptures contain a wealth of thoughts to contemplate during Lent. Considering that the Scriptures sound more like Christmas - all three readings contain words that fit in perfectly as we look for thoughts to meditate upon - on Scriptures that will help us draw closer to God - Jesus - the reason He became human to share our life experiences. In the first reading from Isaiah the Lord told Ahaz to ask for anything - His response - No - did not want to be guilty of tempting God - God responded - OK - here is the deal -  the virgin will bear a child and name him Emmanuel - which means God is with us.  WOW - That is one Scripture that really hits one heavily.  I want to know more about you God - BAM - you are going to come as a human! Really!  In the second reading from Hebrews we are told that it is impossible for the blood from bulls - goats to  take away sins.  So - God sends the Christ - His Son - His blood will do what could not be done with sacrificial animals. Again - WOW - human blood - a human becoming the Sacrifice! In the Gospel from Luke we read about the Angel appearing to a young girl - a girl so young that in our country she would not be able to drive a vehicle - not be able to vote - not be able to legally get married - here she is being asked to bear the Christ child - the future Savior of the World.  Her response - YES - let it be done to me as the Lord asks.  She could have said no - nope - she gave her approval - her YES.  These three thoughts will fill the mind of anyone and give you enough to meditate on for the remainder of Lent. 

Just writing this makes me think - who am I that God cares for me - that Jesus was willing to die for me - what have I done to receive this offer of New Life.  Everyone should have the same thoughts - just who am I - WHY?  Honestly - I could spend the rest of my life - asking those questions - day after day.  When did I say my YES - when did I choose NO instead.  What have I done as God asked - when did I close my eyes - go the other way. I am nobody - yet in God's eyes - I am somebody.  Meditate on that.

Deacon Dale 

Friday, March 24, 2023

Lent #31 - Magic Beads

It is interesting when discussing different prayer forms with Christians who are not Catholic when the conversation turns to Catholics and their - Magic Beads - otherwise known as - the Rosary.  Even though most faiths have prayers that involve some repetition - memorized words - chants - the rosary as a tool for prayer - seems to confuse some Catholics - majority of non Catholics.  Often it is hard to explain to others - without showing them - how to use  the rosary - letting them physically hold a rosary in their hands - saying prayers along with them.  Besides the official prayers of Mary's Rosary - chaplets - other short repetitive prayers prayed using the beads to help one keep track of where they are in the different sequences. Once properly explained - once personally experienced - many non Catholic develop an understanding - comfort using rosaries in their own prayer life.  A few become so comfortable that as non Catholics -  praying Mary's rosary becomes a daily practice. 

Getty Images Praying the Rosary 

When Jesus was asked to teach His disciples how to pray - the Lord's Prayer was the first.  Eventually - in addition to spontaneous - free form prayer - other prayers developed over the years.  Today the different forms - prayer styles - have developed so much - hard to keep track of all of them.  There are no bad - wrong - prayers - as long they are spoken to Our Lord - God - the Father - Jesus - the Son - the Holy Spirit.  All Prayers help lead us to God - closer to the Father - His Son - helping us to know Him better - helping us to draw closer to the Mystery that is Him.  At this point in our Lenten journey - prayer should be occupying the majority of our time spent with God. 

Deacon Dale 

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Lent #30 - All Ready?

We are now well into the fourth week of Lent and very soon Lent will be over and we will be celebrating Holy Week and Easter.  By now everyone should be well entrenched in their spiritual exercises - fasting - prayers - meditations - devotions - quiet time - being able to be present to God.  For the past weeks so much has been happening - Holy Mass - penitential services - gatherings with others - seeking God - Jesus - in shared experiences.  In these final weeks of Lent - time to focus - attention - energy - leave all distractions behind - dive deeply into all that Lent is intended to be.

Jesus calls each of us to constantly improve our personal relationship with Him - His Father - Holy Spirit.  For many a lifetime of study - prayers - meditations - still lots to learn - experience.  In the end it is not about quantity - rather quality - all time spent with Jesus - extremely
 valuable.  Just as one may spend hours - days - weeks - at the gym developing their physical body - so too is it important to go to your personal spiritual fitness room - daily - developing your entire body - mind - spirit - into one unified holy person.

Deacon Dale 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Lent #29 - Seeking Faith

When one comes to Faith - has an experience - decides that it is time to learn more - about God - Jesus - the Holy Spirit - that can be a very daunting task.  Just trying to understand the Trinity - the entire idea that God is One person - yet - three persons in One.  How can this be - nobody - can ever make sense of the Trinity - how it exists - where it has its origin - how it gained its power - all one giant Mystery.  As an avid fan of sci-fi - mystery books - scientific explorations - mathematic logic - my poor small human mind - never will understand - comprehend - God.  Oh I can make assumptions - they will be wrong - I can discuss with those who have better educations - we will be wrong - never - will any of us ever truly understand God.  Faith - now that is easier I think - there is some logic - studies - that explain how one develops faith - grows in faith - lives a life of faith.  

Most of us grew up in religious families - in different denominations - varying structures of faith.  As children we were told point blank what we were suppose to believe - never questioned our parents - we couldn't because they did not have the answers either.  When people questioned Jesus - He shared stories - spoke in parables - attempting to explain.  The majority of the time - the Mystery was still as clear as mud.  His final answer to His followers - Trust in Me.  Now 
thousands of years later - it is all still a - Mystery.  All we can do is respond - Jesus I Trust in You.  In time our Faith will grow - even when we fail to understand - the peace in our hearts - minds - will fill that void.

Deacon Dale