Friday, March 31, 2023

Lent #38 - T - 6

It is countdown time - now only six days of Lent left - in less than one week we will begin the Triduum - the three holiest days of the liturgical year.  In these final days of Lent we are very easily at the end of a successful Lenten experience - or - we are crying - where has the time gone - I have not even started yet.  Reminder - do not be like the Pharisee in the temple - (Luke 18:9-14) - do not be so quick to pat yourself on the back - nor does one need to beat themselves - rather - be grateful for where you are at this moment.  We are all individuals - our relationship with God is an individual one -not communal - although we walk together in community - each of us is walking our own path to Holiness - redemption.  My journey will never be like yours - nor yours like mine.  We all had a starting point - we all have a finishing point - they hopefully take all of us to the same destination. 

When Jesus was walking to HIs Death - Resurrection - often had to take side steps - life came at Him from all directions - like anyone who sets out on a journey - never a completely straight path. Rocks in the path - roadblocks - unplanned events - happen to all of us.  Our starting point may be - X - our goal - Z - but while on our own journey - Y - things always happen.  That is the story of life.  Each of us has our own story - no two stories identical.  Everyone's journey has an X - Y - Z - never - ever the same.  Does not mean one is better than another - just different.  God has blessed each of us as we walk our journeys - Jesus is with each of us - constantly assisting us - especially on the diversions - those are what makes our journey so beautiful - meaningful - ours.  So Lent ends soon - great - when that happens we transition on a new much shorter - three day experience - leading each of us to -  Easter.

Deacon Dale