Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Lent #29 - Seeking Faith

When one comes to Faith - has an experience - decides that it is time to learn more - about God - Jesus - the Holy Spirit - that can be a very daunting task.  Just trying to understand the Trinity - the entire idea that God is One person - yet - three persons in One.  How can this be - nobody - can ever make sense of the Trinity - how it exists - where it has its origin - how it gained its power - all one giant Mystery.  As an avid fan of sci-fi - mystery books - scientific explorations - mathematic logic - my poor small human mind - never will understand - comprehend - God.  Oh I can make assumptions - they will be wrong - I can discuss with those who have better educations - we will be wrong - never - will any of us ever truly understand God.  Faith - now that is easier I think - there is some logic - studies - that explain how one develops faith - grows in faith - lives a life of faith.  

Most of us grew up in religious families - in different denominations - varying structures of faith.  As children we were told point blank what we were suppose to believe - never questioned our parents - we couldn't because they did not have the answers either.  When people questioned Jesus - He shared stories - spoke in parables - attempting to explain.  The majority of the time - the Mystery was still as clear as mud.  His final answer to His followers - Trust in Me.  Now 
thousands of years later - it is all still a - Mystery.  All we can do is respond - Jesus I Trust in You.  In time our Faith will grow - even when we fail to understand - the peace in our hearts - minds - will fill that void.

Deacon Dale