Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Annunciation - the Scriptures contain a wealth of thoughts to contemplate during Lent. Considering that the Scriptures sound more like Christmas - all three readings contain words that fit in perfectly as we look for thoughts to meditate upon - on Scriptures that will help us draw closer to God - Jesus - the reason He became human to share our life experiences. In the first reading from Isaiah the Lord told Ahaz to ask for anything - His response - No - did not want to be guilty of tempting God - God responded - OK - here is the deal - the virgin will bear a child and name him Emmanuel - which means God is with us. WOW - That is one Scripture that really hits one heavily. I want to know more about you God - BAM - you are going to come as a human! Really! In the second reading from Hebrews we are told that it is impossible for the blood from bulls - goats to take away sins. So - God sends the Christ - His Son - His blood will do what could not be done with sacrificial animals. Again - WOW - human blood - a human becoming the Sacrifice! In the Gospel from Luke we read about the Angel appearing to a young girl - a girl so young that in our country she would not be able to drive a vehicle - not be able to vote - not be able to legally get married - here she is being asked to bear the Christ child - the future Savior of the World. Her response - YES - let it be done to me as the Lord asks. She could have said no - nope - she gave her approval - her YES. These three thoughts will fill the mind of anyone and give you enough to meditate on for the remainder of Lent.
Just writing this makes me think - who am I that God cares for me - that Jesus was willing to die for me - what have I done to receive this offer of New Life. Everyone should have the same thoughts - just who am I - WHY? Honestly - I could spend the rest of my life - asking those questions - day after day. When did I say my YES - when did I choose NO instead. What have I done as God asked - when did I close my eyes - go the other way. I am nobody - yet in God's eyes - I am somebody. Meditate on that.
Deacon Dale