Monday, March 25, 2013


Palms come in all sorts of sizes - children's, teens and adults - among adults they vary in size from small ladies to large men's sizes. The palm is the center of the hand to which are attached the wrist - thumb and fingers. It is the palm that holds most objects - creating a center into which objects are held and contained. Without the palm - the fingers and thumb would have a much more difficult time grasping and holding onto object - thus we see quite readily the value of the palm. Of course the one palm that is most important to Christians is not the one in their hand but rather the one held high yesterday on Palm Sunday - when palm branches were carried aloft and waved triumphantly as they commemorated the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem and the beginning of Holy Week.
Waving palms and branches was the custom of years gone by to celebrate the event of kings and soldiers returning home from a triumphant victory - such was the case when Jesus entered Jerusalem.  His followers were sure that he was the Messiah - the promised one - who would come to remove their oppression and difficult lifestyle. Little did they know that His kingdom was not an earthly one - but a much higher - loftier - one - unseen by human eyes - untouched by human hands - in the realm of the One true God.  Palm Sunday joy rapidly turned to sadness and confusion as the events leading up to the Crucifixion played themselves out.  This year as in years past we remember - we recreate - we celebrate and at the same time we beat our breast - we ponder - we wonder how this all could have happened - then we remember - in all this - in everything that we will celebrate this week - the Passover - the Last Supper - the Crucifixion - the Resurrection - all is in God's time and a part of His plan for the world - today as much as it was in the time of Jesus.  This week allow yourself to dine at the table of His grace.

Deacon Dale