Yes - raindrops keep falling on my head - as the song goes - unfortunately I was not outside in the rain - rather in my garage attic - that was not a good thing. Seems that because of the extreme cold - condensation had built up on the rafters - so much that it was falling like raindrops. Hopefully - increased air flow will solve that issue - waiting to see how effective that is. My preference - in place of raindrops - is sunlight bathing me in a warm glow - hopefully in the near future.
God is constantly raining His blessings down upon all of us - like morning dew - raindrops from heaven. Many recognize His constant outpouring of blessings - some do not. There is no good or bad season - when it comes to God's blessings - they are there - constantly. If you have not seen any blessings in your life - stop - look around - you will be surprised. A smile - a laugh - a hug - a kind word - a bit of encouragement - all signs of God's blessings. Open your eyes - ears - heart - God will not disappoint,
Deacon Dale
God is constantly raining His blessings down upon all of us - like morning dew - raindrops from heaven. Many recognize His constant outpouring of blessings - some do not. There is no good or bad season - when it comes to God's blessings - they are there - constantly. If you have not seen any blessings in your life - stop - look around - you will be surprised. A smile - a laugh - a hug - a kind word - a bit of encouragement - all signs of God's blessings. Open your eyes - ears - heart - God will not disappoint,
Deacon Dale