In today's scriptures it is very clear that each of us has a very special place in God's plan. The world may tell us different stories - fill us full of falsehoods - lies - tell us stories that fills our head with ideas of greatness - grandeur. Unfortunately - the world has its own agenda - one that does not agree with God's plan for us. The world tells us that we are number one - we are more important than any one else - that our wants - desires - are what counts - nothing else. The needs of others are not our concern. Those who believe these lies - often led far away from God.
For those who reject the lure of the world - who see those lies for exactly what they are - who listen to the voice of God - know - they are loved - forgiven - called to be Holy as God is Holy. As disciples we need to realize that we are temples - temples for the Spirit of God - that God not only lives around us - also in us. We know that God is with us and gives us the strength to cope with the ordeals - challenges of life. In our search for holiness - we are called to seek perfection - not as God is perfect - rather a purity of life - how we live - act - react to those around us. God calls each of us to become strong faithful temples in which HIs Holy Spirit lives and grows
For those who reject the lure of the world - who see those lies for exactly what they are - who listen to the voice of God - know - they are loved - forgiven - called to be Holy as God is Holy. As disciples we need to realize that we are temples - temples for the Spirit of God - that God not only lives around us - also in us. We know that God is with us and gives us the strength to cope with the ordeals - challenges of life. In our search for holiness - we are called to seek perfection - not as God is perfect - rather a purity of life - how we live - act - react to those around us. God calls each of us to become strong faithful temples in which HIs Holy Spirit lives and grows