Sunday, March 26, 2017

Lent 104 - Rose Day

The Fourth Sunday of Lent - Laetare Sunday - half way through Lent - when the priest and deacon wear rose colored vestments. Laetare from the Latin - to rejoice - a happy marker in this Holy Season. Happy because this season of fasting - discipline - alms giving is half over - half way to the celebration at Easter. Changing from the typical purple/violet color to a more cherrie rose color - reminding everyone that in all seasons of life - you can find joy. As the Second Sunday when the scrutinies are observed - checking with those preparing for baptism at Easter - seeking full reception into the Catholic Christian community. 

Last week - this week - next week - from a long drawn out observance of the baptism liturgy. Reminding all that with the Water of baptism - they experience the Light of Christ - New Life - a new birth into God's family. The real focus of Lent - new life in Christ - not just for those to be baptized - also for all of us already baptized. Reminding us to celebrate the awesome gift received when we officially became children of God. 

Deacon Dale