Friday, March 3, 2023

Lent #10 - Going Beyond Hugs

Yesterday I suggested that if you were a serious committed Christian you would embrace Jesus.  I suggested - one only had to be serious about their faith - commit to Jesus - His mission on Earth.  That is an excellent way - to start - many more opportunities - exist.  One can focus their attention on God - Jesus - Him personally - other persons may be included.  The old neighbor next door who cannot shovel their driveway - cut their grass - drive to the store - unable to attend Church services - Holy Mass - all mean giving up personal time - investing your time - attention on others.  Others - who in Jesus' name -image the Lord - the One you wish to serve.

Too many people spend too much time - majority of their day - in Church - on their knees - in prayer - worshiping God - when so many people - those they can physically touch - hug - offer assistance - are ignored. Jesus told us that He came to serve - not be served (Matt 20:28) - yet opportunities for service to others ignored in the name of worship. Do not get me wrong - all should spend a sufficient time in worshiping God - that time balanced with Christian service.  This Lent - perhaps as part of your Lenten journey - you may find time to add service hours into your Lenten plans,  In doing so - you just might find Jesus.

Deacon Dale