Thursday, March 2, 2023

Lent #9 - Embracing Jesus

One of the greatest experiences in life - a good hug - even better - a great hug.  When God created humans He not only gave us arms to take care of ourselves - also ability to wrap around others - to draw people into our inner circles - to feel their physical closeness - a warm embrace - their presence.  As children - majority of us felt those embraces by parents - siblings - family.  As we grew - those who were allowed to enter into that private space - increased.  In those embraces we experienced - closeness - support - intimacy - love.  As we journey through this season of Lent - one goal - draw closer to God - His Son - Jesus.  Some may have already experienced that - many others - still on  the outside - wondering how to make that happen for themselves.  

Since the beginning - God has made Himself available to anyone who listened to His voice - a voice freely shared with all - not all bothered to listen.  For those who did listen - not all responded to His message.  To those His Word - became flesh - Jesus - who walked among them - made Himself available to all.  For those who sought Him - those who developed a close relationship - able to experience an honest embrace in His arms.  That same possibility exists today - not physically - but in a very personal way - if only one seeks Him.  The challenge this Lent - move your heart  - mind - closer to that of Jesus - to experience that special embrace.

Deacon Dale