Monday, March 20, 2023

Lent #27 - The Works We Do

Turning words into works not always a difficult task - it takes some planning - selecting the project - often recruiting others to guarantee the success - making a final commitment.  There are so many opportunities available - one only has to ask - before one knows it - you are involved.  Some projects may be harder - more difficult to complete - always something almost anyone can do.  The number of groups seeking volunteers for community focused projects is endless - schools - sport clubs - youth groups - health - church focused groups - you name it - somebody is seeking people to lend a hand so their efforts are successful.  Over the years our family has participated in numerous events - scouts - sports - church groups - raising funds to benefit others - selling wreaths at Christmas - sitting at store entrances - asking for donations - most fairly easy.  One event that took more energy was walking in the yearly - March for Babies - fund raiser to help babies born prematurely - helping families with preemies - large financial expenses to cope with.  Happily the family was willing to assist - with brothers - sisters - cousins all joining in on the project.  Many hands make light work - working with friends - family - always a fun time.

Family Team Cugini - March for Babies 

As Christians - as those seeking to become Christian this Easter - it is imperative that this be ingrained in our minds - hearts - following the Gospel message of Jesus - following His example of how to live a life completely formed in Scripture - Tradition - living a life based in Worship - Service to others.  This Lent look around - somebody is looking for your help.

Deacon Dale