Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Lent #14 - Learning Tolerance

Tolerance is not something that everyone has a good handle on - in fact - something that majority have to develop.  Unfortunately - most of us have been raised with certain - attitudes - ideas about - some types of people - activities - driven by - life experiences - ancestors who lived before them.  Some attitudes go back generations - compounds the difficulty of changing attitudes - learning how to become tolerant.  In order to develop tolerance - takes time - getting to understand - accept - differences with which you are not familiar.  Prayer helps when seeking to become tolerance - accepting those with different beliefs - customs - experiences.

Jesus came to help mankind with those issues and many others.  When God created mankind - intent was peaceful co-existence - sin changed all that.  Today we have a big problem with numerous ideas - ways to live - that challenge many beliefs. In these confusing times - best to give to God - go deep into prayer - ask Him to help you understand others - their different beliefs - that you may come to understand - accept them even when their beliefs do not match yours.  Often others beliefs may be different - not necessarily bad - wrong - just think - act different because of their lived experiences - how they were raised.  With God - Jesus - at your side - all things are possible - even becoming tolerant of others.

Deacon Dale