Saturday, March 11, 2023

Lent #18 - Happy Feet

Dancing your heart out - beautiful partner - great music - for many - awesome experience - happy feet.  Enjoying life to the fullest - experiencing what Jesus wanted us to do.  Music - dancing - not everything that makes for a full - pleasing life.  Many other aspects to consider. Good food - drink - great friends - happy families - pleasant jobs - earning a good salary - being able  to afford the necessities - extras in life - worshiping God - time set apart from worldly obligations.  All these activities consume the majority of many lives.  The time - set apart from life's normal activities - time best shared with others - by oneself - enjoying the sights - sounds of nature - immersing yourself - in quiet - with God.  All that - life lived - experienced - to the fullest.

Too many people - trapped in a merry-go-round life style - too many commitments - not enough time in the day - constant pressure - to do - to excel - to earn - to acquire - often consumes their entire life - no time for themselves.  That is not what Jesus promised.  As we end the second week of Lent - for those who have - no time - time to get off the merry-go-round - just say no - step back from what controls them.  To truly experience the life that Jesus promised - need to realize that often - less is more.  If you are able to do this - take control of your life - how you spend your time - especially with God - Jesus - that will be a Happy FEAT.

Deacon Dale