Saturday, March 18, 2023

Lent #25 - A Little Humility Please

One thing social media has done is to help those - quite ordinary - inflate their egos - posting hundreds of crazy comments about themselves in an effort to make themselves look - better - more popular - more interesting - than they really are.  Not being happy with a normal life which most find very pleasing - these people forget the value of real friends - seeking instead - fame - popularity - over enduring lasting relationships.  We have been warned "for all who exalt themselves - will be humbled - all who humble themselves - will be exalted" (LK 18:14)

Jesus reminds us constantly that "He came that we might have life and live it to the fullest" (John 10:10) - does not mean that we will become wealthy - famous - exalted.  Living a full life means experiencing all that life has to offer - the bad - as well as the good.  None of us can expect to ever be perfect - nor can we expect our lives to be perfect.  As C.S. Lewis wrote in the graphic displayed above - think of yourself - yes - think of others - how you can help them - just as much - perhaps more.  One thing to focus on this Lent - humility - swallow one's pride - look outwards - not inwards - you might be surprised at the wealth waiting for you.  Jesus at your side - amazing things can - will - happen.

Deacon Dale