Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Lent #22 - Seeking Greatness

The majority of people are very happy living normal - quiet lives - doing mundane everyday things - taking care of those they love - basically - keeping it simple - honest.  A few - energetic - highly motivated - by money - fame - fortune - not happy with that life - instead spend their energy - seeking greatness.  Out of those - few succeed to the level sought - end up - very unhappy - miserable.  On the surface - media - especially social media - these days - makes it look - too easy - too important - to become - important - an influencer - wealthy financially - with thousands of total strangers - becoming - friends.  Unfortunately - fame - fleeting - fickle - does not last - quickly replaced by the newer - better - bigger - in the moment.

God sent Jesus - to walk - live among His people - to give direction - set them on the correct path of life.  Many ignored His words - for those who listened - took His words to heart - peace - forgiveness - a fullness of life became - a reality.  For over two thousand years that same story - told over - over again.  Even today - that same story Jesus shared - being shared this very moment.  He shared God's commandments - how to live - act - warned that those who ignored would be - the least - but "whoever obeys - teaches - these commandments - called the greatest - in the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matt 5:19).  Today - as you continue your Lenten journey - heed these words - just as true in 2023 as the day Christ spoke them.  Do as He commanded - greatness will be yours. 

Deacon Dale