Monday, April 14, 2014

Chrism Mass

Tonight we had the privilege of attending the annual Chrism Mass with the Bishop. At this Mass the oils used throughout the year - Oil of the Sick - Oil of Catechumens - Holy Chrism - were blessed - distributed to each parish in the diocese. Oil is a very important sacramental used in the various rites in the Roman Catholic Church - anointing of the sick - infant baptism - confirmation - blessing of altars - at the initiation rites at the Easter Vigil. Oil is something that can be touched and felt and in Holy Chrism - smelled. Through the imposition of these oils - people are brought closer to God - in a tangible way. At this annual Mass - the priests of  the diocese - reaffirm their promises made at ordination - to serve the people of God as holy men - to be obedient to their bishop. The congregation affirms  the bishop and his priests as they say their own amens to pray and support all of them.

In various rites and celebrations that will be observed this week - Holy Week- everyone - parishioners - priests - deacons - bishop - are drawn more deeply into the mystery of God. Each of us has an important part to play - words to say - prayers to be offered - as we draw closer to the Triduum - the three holiest days of the Christian year. Our Lenten Camino has brought us very close to the end of Lent - two more days and Lent ends and we walk into the Triduum - we walk knowing we have done well this Lent - we walk encouraged by our accomplishments - we walk as children of God.

Deacon Dale