Wednesday, February 13, 2013


There are all kinds of ashes - ashes from burnt leaves - ashes from buildings that have been burned down - ashes from the remains of individuals who have died - ashes from dead vegetation . Today - of course - our focus is on the ashes that were distributed at church - ashes from palms that were blessed and handed out last year on Palm Sunday. As with the ashes from any object there is a natural cycle of llife. Green growing palms are cut and used to commemorate the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem prior to His passion. On Palm Sunday the green palms are waved and carried in procession at church - then afterwards carried into homes where they are tucked behind crosses and cricifixes and holy pictures - to stay there until just prior to Ash Wednesday - when they are collected and burned and prepared to be used in the annual distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday. 
Everything has a natural life cycle - there is birth - growth - utilization - death. All plants - animals - humans go through this process. Even "things" go throgh a life cycle - from creation - design -production - utilization - disposal. Living a life with no animation - no challenges - no experiences - is living a life poorly spent. Living a life that is filled with everything that God lays before us - is living a life well spent. As we begin Lent - as we reflect on what kind of life we are living - we need to pause and reflect - to stop and listen - listen to our hearts - listen to God - listen to life. If we listen well - we will hear God calling our names - calling us to greatness - calling us to experience the fullness of life.

Deacon Dale